Hey people,

I just turned on LMS on my ReadyNas Duo again (combined with a Duet)
since I want to listen to my files on an old tube amp. I have two of
them and and lots of files on both (would say 30.000+). Streaming with
DLNA/Upnp was no problem - but with LMS only one of the two NAS work
fine - the one with less files and less capacity. So I thought upgrading
the LMS would be an idea (since this is a pretty old system). Do anyone
knows if it is possible to make this working? At the moment I m running
LMS 7.6.1 and the NAS working fine has close to 15.000 files on it - the
one not running smooth is a little over 30.000.

Anyhow I plan to put all my music on one NAS - so is a Read Nas Duo
capable to handle this - or do I need to upgrade the hardware.

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