After a quick test it looks as though you've solved the mystery Paul. 
Name changes get saved back to the specified file when the player is
stopped.  It's not enough to pause the player, or to (soft) power it off
while playing or paused - it has to be explicitly stopped.  Name changes
also seem to get saved while the player is (soft) off, provided it was
stopped first.

I can't believe that I didn't spot this pattern in all my testing, but
in my defence the browser interface doesn't have 'stop' function that I
can see, and it's not obvious in the Jivelite interface - it takes a
long press on the pause button to stop the player.

I wonder if this 'stopped' condition really needs to be present.  Paul -
could you point me to the relevant bit of the source code and I might
have a go at lifting that restriction to see what the consequences are.

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