
'How to add the Qnapclub store to the QNap App center'

'The latest QLogitechMediaServer version!'

##########  Change-log for QlogitechMediaServer  ########
SimpleSolutions 2017-2019 ######################

================== QLogitechMediaServer version
2.09.1b================================= 14-06-2019
First very surprised, to see that version 2.04 has been installed more
then 30.000 times. :-)
And those who send me a donation, thank you gives a feeling off
appreciation for the work.
But if anyone deserves a big thank you and donation, is should be
Michael Herger for all his great work and support.

* Fixed error regarding start-stop-deamon missing -r option in
* Some minor fix's in the config command, not all the settings where
proper showed !
+ Everything has been update to the latest, including the CPAN modules.
+ Added log rotation, to prevent that logs get to big.
+ BETA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ( Now Python is added, to get support
for the plugins GoogleMusic. 0
And yes its working, tested it on all the flavors. ( Had to take a

++++++++++++++++++++++++++ How to install Google Music
Go to the webgui of LogitechMediaServer and the server settings page.
Choice the plugins tab and insert the repository URL for this Plugin at
the bottom of the page:
Now apply and then it will restart LMS.
After which, you should be able to install GoogleMusic, from whit in the
server settings, plugin page.

1. Go to the plug-in settings page and set your Google username and
password for the Google Music plug-in.
Note: If you have 2-Step Verification enabled on your account, you'll
need to generate and use an application-specific password instead of
your regular password. Follow the instructions in this support page to
generate an App Password for the Google Music plug-in.
2. The mobile device ID is a 16-digit hexadecimal string (without a '0x'
prefix) identifying an Android device or a string of the form
ios:01234567-0123-0123-0123-0123456789AB (including the ios: prefix)
identifying an iOS device you must already have registered for Google
Play Music. On Android you can obtain this ID by dialing *#*#8255#*#* on
your phone (see the aid) or using this App (see the Google Service
Framework ID Key). You may also use the script mobile_devices.py to list
all registered devices. If your Android or iOS device is already
registered, you may leave the field Mobile Device ID empty. It will be
filled in automatically after setting the username and password.
Note: A registered PC MAC address will not work as a mobile device ID.
3. Enable All Access if you have an All Access subscription.
4. You will find the plug-in in the 'My Apps' section of the squeezebox

IMPORTANT you should have used GoogleMusic on you're mobile device, and
when you logon GoogleMusic on there website, the device should be listed
as registered devices!
If you filled the necessities
, some times it wont logon. Then refill the password, and do apply.
Next restart QLogitechMediaServer, and check if it loged on.
On the advanced pages from GoogleMusic, it should say Google Music
plugin. Listen to your Google Music library and Google Music All

More info go to ;
'The git websie for the GoogleMusic plugin!'

Questions or trouble regarding LogitechMediaServer itself , go to the
SlimDevices forum website. 

More information on MusicIP, go to https://www.spicefly.com/ or

No need to uninstall any old lms installations, from version 2.00.00,
can be installed beside any other lms or perl installations.

'How to add the Qnapclub store to the QNap App center'

'The latest QLogitechMediaServer version!'

Having trouble with latest version, you can do a downgraded.
Download the version you want, from the website.
And do a Manuel installation through the QNap app center.


maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*
digimaster's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=66919
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108702

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