OKe made some chanced, and everything should work fine.
But to be sure, i first made a beta just fot the x86 and x86_64.
So if you had trouble with version 2.09.01, please try version 2.09.02.
Can only be found here, is not available through the QNap Club appstore
for now.
Please let me know if it works or not ?

'QLogitechMediaServer x86 version 2.09,05 beta' (http://bit.ly/2YbrtVL)
'QLogitechMediaServer x86_64 version 2.09,0 beta'

================== QLogitechMediaServer version 2.09.05
================================= 14-07-2019

* Totally redesigned ownership, should fix error's in v2.09.01
( If you still get error, try touch .OLD in the
.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer and restart QLogitechMediaServer )
* When the PLAYLIST option is set, now will check on owner and rights in
that directory !
* It will now check which perl are supported by the installed LMS. And
stop if no supported perl is found in LMS !
* The GoogleMusic plugin git version can be installed, just do touch
.GMUSIC or set GMUSIC=1 in .QLMS.conf
in the .qpkg/LogitechMediaServer and restart QLogitechMediaServer.
( If GoogleMusic was installed through the Plug-in page, it will be
removed ! )
* Redesigned the way it try a restarts on crash, LMS will be start in
failsafe mode on trouble !
( If you still have trouble on startup, try the new
QLogitechMediaServer.sh clean option !
+ On installation will check if start-stop-daemon is installed, and can
handle the chroot options. If not it will disable this function to be
used !
+ Custom.pm will be placed on installation/upgrade
Also edit Custom.pm some more, now only path which could contain
will show in LMS !
+ Added startup option clean, will uninstall the installed LMS but keep
the settings !
( Will ask if you're sure, before clean the LMS installation ! )
( After a clean on start, will install a new clean LMS installation !
+ In the .QLMS.conf file, now you could do UPDATE=/NIGHTLY=(release).
(ARMX-09 and ARMX-19, only have perl 5.20)
( Keep in mind release lower then 7.9.0, have no support for perl
5.24/5.28 )
If the options is not set right, it will do a normal update/nightly
So only use 0/1 or ?.?.?, where ?.?.? should be something like 7.9.0
or higher !
On restart will try to install that version, will downgraded if a
lower version if set in UPDATE !
After restart/start and up/down- graded, they will be set back to =1
For example UPDATE=7.9.0, will install LMS version 7.9.0 on next
* Upgrade routine improved/adjusted, will do a better check and more
future proved !
When handling a up/down- graded, it will first remove the install LMS
* Manuel up/downgrading should now work proper.
Just place a copy of logitechmediaserver-?.?.?.tgz in the Download
share and restart QLogitechMediaServer.
For NIGHTLY download the "Logitech Media Server: Unix Tarball (i386,
x86_64, i386 FreeBSD, ARM EABI, PowerPC)" file !
+ Added extra option in .QLMS.conf. NOUPDATE if set, no update check
will be done. Manuel update will still work !
+ Added extra control option OLD, which could be used when LMS crashes
on startup.
Will try to fix owner/rights on the SlimServer on the old way, but
could causes pluging not to work proper !
+ Added new feature ARCHIEF. If set will keep the latest 5 installed
versions of nightly build, and all the official builds !
Very handy if you want to rollback.
Just copy the wanted file from .qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/Backup/ to
the download share/path of you're QNap )
+ Another new option is AUDIO, when set will use audio prg's supplied in
QLogitechMediaServer installatio !
( Normally LMS uses audio prg's, which are ncluded in the release ! )
+ If LMS is started, it will also tell which release/version is

! IMPORTANT this version is still a BETA, it works great on my QNap
ts-453a, but don't know about all the other QNap types !
Having trouble PLEASE INCLUDED LOG'S, so i can find what's causing it
on you're QNap ?
And keep in mind, making/developing it in my spare time.

IMPORTANT this a beta, only can be found here, and should be installed
manually through the QNap app centre.


maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*
digimaster's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=66919
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108702

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