Installing/using the GoogleMusic plug-in for LMS in QLogitechMediaServer

Out off the box, python 2.7 is included and will automatically will
install Gmusicapi, if it detects that the GoogleMusic plug-in is

To uses it go the the server settings pages, and install the GoogleMusic
LMS will ask to restart the services, follow those instructions.
If LMS is running again, and the webgui is back, restart
QLogitechMediaServer, to make it aware that GoogleMusic is installed. On
started it will check on GmusicApi, where default the version 12.1.0
will be come available.

Next on the Server Settings page, go to advanced, and choice the
GoogleMusic plug-in. Here you need to set you’re credentials, and press
apply. Some thing you need to do this a few times, before it says
“Google Music plug-in. Listen to you’re Google Music library and Google
Music All Access”. When it gives you this messages, you can uses
GoogleMusic with you LMS installation.

Included you could also install the GoogleMusic git version, just set
GMUSIC=1 in the .QLMS.conf file. This will install GoogleMusic from git
the master version. If Needed you can chance the GmusicApi version, in
.QLMS.conf set GVERSION=””to get the latest, or GVERSION=12.1.0 to
install version you set there. 

If you install the git version, any install GoogleMusic plug-in from the
plug-in page will be removed.
When you change the line GMUSIC=1 to GMUSIC=0 or #GMUSIC=. It will
uninstall the git version and also any settings. 


maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*
digimaster's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=66919
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