mherger wrote: 
> > I have observed that Advanced Search does not work when the number of
> > tracks in the database gets very large. Is this 'normal'?
> Any errors in server.log or scanner.log? How large is "very large"? What
> is your OS, hardware, LMS version etc.?
> -- 
> Michael

Thanks for your prompt reply, Michael.

Hardware: Raspberry Pi 4B with HifiBerry Dac+ Pro

OS: Armbian     

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.2 – 1564788734

Number of tracks:       426,873

I do get an error message in the server log: [19-08-09 11:28:03.1513]
Slim::Web::Template::SkinManager::_fillTemplate (337) Error: undef error
- WHILE loop terminated (> 1000 iterations)

I have observed that Advanced Search works well with smaller number of
tracks, but I am not sure what the precise threshold to cause it to stop
working is.



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