
Whats has been changed in version 2.09 and higher ;

The auto update routine, completely has been redesigned. To make it run
better, faster and more future save. In there several things are changed
or added. Like the up-/down- graded function. ( placing a proper file,
in the download share of you’re QNap ). Also there now is a way, to
download a specified official version, by editing .QLMS.conf where
UPDATE=/NIGHTLY= can be set to ?.?.? where is should be some thing
higher then 7.8.9. ( When done it will change it back to =1)

The other big and important change is the Upgraded routine. IN the older
version a new release was placed on top of the already installed LMS
version. Now before installing the new version, it will uninstall the
old version. This way a up-/down- graded works better and this way it
prevents conflict and errors.

There now also is away to let it check on update after a specified time
while running LMS. When a update is available, it will send a messages
to the messages center of QNap and stop. In .QLMS.conf just set TIMER=
to something between 00:01 and 23:59. This will be the time the next
check will be done. When running ./QLogitechMediaServer.sh status will
then also show the time when it will do the check. With the command
/QLogitechMediaServer.sh timer, you can activated it.
/QLogitechMediaServer.sh timer status, will show the next time and
/QLogitechMediaServer.sh stop will deactivated it. If TIMER- is set, on
startup of QLogitechMediaServer, it will also activated the timer.

Now included in installation is Custom.pm, to prevent that server and
scanner log from LMS get to big. Also through this, only directory’s are
shown in LMS which could contain music files. IN the
settings-page/information it will display QLMS 2.X (QNAP TurboStation).

Another new option is AUDIO= in .QLMS.conf, where when you set it to 1,
will uses the audio prg’s included in QLogitechMediaServer file-system.
On default or when AUDIO=0 / #AUDIO=, the audio prg’s included in LMS
are used.
In .QLMS.func now also there is ARCHIVE=1, which will take care that
every download and installed update, will saved in Backup . ( All the
Official releases and the last 5 Nightly versions. Through this way you
can do a rollback if a version is causing trouble !
New command line options for QLogitechMediaServer.sh ;

will uninstall the installed LMS, but keep all settings. ( On
./QLogitechMediaServer.sh start/restart, it will install a new clean LMS
installation !)
Will do a check on LMS if there is a update. ( Depending on how
UPDATE=/NIGHTLY= are set !)

Will try to do a upgrade, if a update if available. ( When LMS is
running will stop it first !)

If ARCHIVE=1 and there are already early installed version available.
Will show a menu, where you could choice a release you want to be
installed. Then on next start/restart of QlogitechMediaServer this will
be installed.
[ New plug-in support ]
Because of GoogleMusic, python has been included in the chroot
file-system of QLogitechMediaServer. Also QLogitechMediaServer will be
aware if its installed, and try to install the GmusicAPI, so GoogleMusic
can logon and be used. There also is support for the GIT version. 

[ PERL check improved ]

The perl check has been improved, and now checked if LMS also has
support for it. All the release accepted the arm5te(ARM-x09/ARM-x19),
have perl 5.24.4/5.28.3 included.

Under the hood there are more minor improvements and changes.

All the release are updated to the latest version and build from Debian
9 strech.  QNap uses kernels from Debian, so that works great.

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*
digimaster's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=66919
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