bpa wrote: 
> There are so many contradictions. I cannot understand how no albums in
> Info page, yet LMS has managed to play a specific track which appeared
> in Albums and not under Music Folder.
> From debugging many plugin issues, I am sceptical of a user's
> interpretation/perception of symptoms/ problems  - I prefer to see a log
> or a image rather than a user's interpretation.  This is not the user's
> fault.
> In carlmart case - LMS suggested using Musica which is Windows Music
> folder - this is normal Windows and from the  player.source log it is
> the location of the test wav file.  Also it is not clear if there are
> subdirectories or just one directory full of wav+cue file.
> I find LMS suggesting putting playlists in the Music directory
> problematic - I suspect there are issues when they are mixed.
> edit:
> > 
  >   > 
  > [19-08-18 15:04:10.3418] Slim::Player::StreamingController::nextsong (890) 
The next song is number 5, was 4
  > [19-08-18 15:04:10.3427] Slim::Player::Song::new (108) index 5 -> 
  > [19-08-18 15:04:10.3428] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingSt 
ate (2387) new streaming state TRACKWAIT
  > [19-08-18 15:04:10.3434] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_playersMessage 
(797) Now Playing: 
> > When I installed LMS on Windows the default music directory was in my
user directory not the root directory and the playlist folder was inside
the music folder. There is something not right about any of this.

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