Thanks ralphy. 

You made me realise that stupid me was running an ancient version of
squeezelite 1.8. I was just using the version that's installed via
apt-get. Have installed the new one now and playlist no longer

Off topic a little bit but hoping you can help with another issue I

I use squeezelite with a Hifiberry AMP2+ DAC. My plan was to downmix the
left and right channels into 2 seperate audio outputs using asound.conf,
allowing me to run 2 instances of squeezelite on 1 RasPi.

When using this configuration, I find that after sometime of playing, or
resuming a playlist after a lengthy period of it being paused the audio
has an issue that starts repeating the same 1/4 second of audio 4 or 5
times and then moving onto the next 1/4 second, i.e DaDaDaDa,TaTaTa....

I found some forum posts on this forum referencing the issue:
and also some other forumss refencing a fix:

The ultimate fix is changing the audio output of squeezelite to the
hardware address: hw:0. This has worked for me also.

I was hoping that the newer versions of squeezelite no longer had this
issue but even after installing the latest, the issue came back again.

Would there be anyway to get this working using the downmix solution?


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