typecrazy789 wrote: 
> I’ve asked this in the past and never really gotten an answer I could
> get to work, so trying again - is there any way to have a library view
> that is limited to the contents of two or more folders? Someone
> mentioned using shortcuts but I couldn’t get that to work. 
> I have all my CD rips stored in one folder by genre and then vinyl rips
> in another again by genre, and I’d just like to be able to have a single
> library view that combines, say the content of the 70s R&B folder from
> each location, or such. Thanks!Isn't this possible using "advanced search"? 
> Search for "70s and R&B"
and then save the result as a library view.. I have library views for
70s, 80s and 90s so it should be possible.


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