My Squeezebox Touch has been working flawlessly for a year and now
"Connection Reset by Local Host" has returned but not only on Tidal but
now on everything, My Music, Qobuz, Tidal and everything else I run. I
have tried rebooting the router which works but after a few hours same
problem returns. Have tried reinstalling the Logitech Media Server 7.9.1
as well as 7.9.2 and doing a factory reset on my Touch all with the same
results. Works for a few hours then either "Connection Reset by Local
Host" pops up or I am unable to play certain songs and having it skip
certain songs until it finds one it can play. I am running LMS 7.9.2 and
previously 7.9.1 which worked great for over a year before this problem
I run wireless but my signal is always 100% and has run that way for
many years.
Any suggestions?

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