d6jg wrote: 
> mysqueezebox.com has the following DNS servers - for testing you could
> point your affected host at one of them but it will only resolve
> mysqueezebox.com addresses
> dns.usw.mysqueezebox.com
> dns.use.mysqueezebox.com
> dns.euw.mysqueezebox.com
> If you point at that and lookup www.mysqueezebox.com it will resolve
> differently on each lookup
> 28542

There do seem to be multiple issues, or at least multiple levels.

One is the DNS, which, as I said before, I can't get my head around on
Ubuntu 18.10: It uses Netplan, but the conf file refers to the old
NetworkManager, which refers to something else again (I can't remember
what now). I gave up trying to find the .conf files at that point and
just did a systemd-resolv, which indicated that DNS was resolution was
coming from my LAN-wide DNS (which was expected). There is almost
certainly caching going on, both locally, and on my LAN-wide DNS, but
the lookups seem to be consistent for each host, tho not between hosts.
One explanation would be my local cache, and another that the LAN-DNS is
screwed, and the hosts that are working have a different DNS set up. I
need to check both of those this evening.

The next, as you correctly point out is routing and that that is broken
for some of the addresses that are being resolved. If all the resolved
addresses belong to working hosts, then there might be a problem further
out, but this looks like a wider problem than just mysqueezebox.com .
LMS updates are not being retrieved from repos.squeezecommunity.org and
I'm having trouble with sourceforge. There are also logging errors for
stream metadata from BBC. If loading the spotty and YouTube plugins is
also dependent on a network connection, then there are problems with
those routes as well.  All this is strange if the problem is with my
ISP, as the same URLs work consistently from other hosts in my network,
all going out from the same gateway/FW and consistently fail to work
from the LMS host. Still, absolutely worth further checking.

The last point is (still) SSL, as many of the errors are HTTPS related,
but until we rule out the first two, it looks as if the problem is
host-/LAN- rather than LMS-related.  As such it's probably off-topic to
the forum, so maybe I should not waste more of your time.

Thanks again for all your help.

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