Paul Webster wrote: 
> Check for pCP patches because there was one in recent times to do with
> timezone handling.

Thank you for the idea, but I wouldn't know where to find a patch for
pCP. Am I not using the latest version?

This time issue would be easier to investigate if I could see the LMS
and pCP time in the respective web interface but I couldn't find it
anywhere. So I rely on ssh for pCP and the log file for LMS.

pCP is behaving as expected. maintaining the correct time. 

    tc@urgan:~$ date "+%x %X %z %Z"
  05/05/20 22:16:17 +0200 CEST

    tc@urgan:~$ date "+%x %X %z %Z"
  05/05/20 22:17:47 +0200 CEST

The issue seems rather to be with LMS. It gets the correct time when
initially started after a reboot and maintain it as long as it is not
restarted. But it goes back to GMT after a first restart of the server.

    [20-05-05 22:17:08.1925] main::init (388) Starting Logitech Media Server 
(v8.0.0, 1587185153, Sat Apr 18 07:25:01 CEST 2020) perl 5.028002 - 
  [20-05-05 22:27:04.1548] Slim::bootstrap::sigquit (428) Got sigquit
  [20-05-05 22:27:04.1691] Slim::Utils::PluginManager::shutdownPlugins (409) 
Shutting down plugins...
  [20-05-05 22:27:04.1794] Slim::bootstrap::theEND (439) Got to the END
  [20-05-05 20:27:08.1982] main::init (388) Starting Logitech Media Server 
(v8.0.0, 1587185153, Sat Apr 18 07:25:01 CEST 2020) perl 5.028002 - 
  [20-05-05 20:27:08.2075] main::init (418) OS Specific init...
  [20-05-05 20:27:08.2080] main::init (452) Server daemonizing...
  [20-05-05 20:27:08.2150] Slim::bootstrap::theEND (439) Got to the END

There is this older post describing a very similar issue: "'Alarm clock
gap' (" but the
discussion ended without actual solution.

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