I have a strange problem with my LMS database - on two different Win 10
systems, using identical ripped music files (FLAC). In both cases, the
music files are all in the Music folder/library
(C:\Users\Username\Music) in the usual "Artist-name\Album-name\FLAC
files" subdirectory structure.

I am finding that on some (but curiously, not all) albums, LMS creates 2
entries for each song, so if you inspect the album in the LMS web
interface (or using phone apps such as Orange Squeeze) you see two
entries for each song. If you drill down to show what LMS thinks the
path name is for each track, you get:

C:\Users\Username\Music\Artist-name\Album-name\Song1.FLAC  for the
first, and

for the second.

Net result is that if you play the album using the LMS interface or  an
app like Orange Squeeze, each track plays twice. Very annoying. This
Doesn't happen when I use the Klarita Muso interface to play stuff -
even when importing from the LMS database, Muso seems to figure out that
there is only one copy of each song.

I've loaded LMS 7.9.3, and rebuilt the LMS database from scratch, even
uninstalling/deleting remnants/reinstalling, all to no avail.

I'm sure I have seen this problem before, but can't for the life of me
remember what the reason/fix was. Any ideas?

Tony_Jeffree's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=36920
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