I had to rebuild my max2play instance and add LMS.  I tried to login,
but it failed.  I maybe tried 3 or 4 times.  Now I have this insane
message (yeah, I know, bots, hackers, etc) Does anyone have any idea
what 'later' means?  I reset my password, why doesn't that reset the

If anyone knows how long 'later' is, please let me know.  All this
fiddling/delay has me searching for a proper network audio streamer.
Maybe it's time to move to something like the Cambridge Audio CXN v2. 
It was a super fun project with my pi, hifiberry, max2play, and LMS, but
honestly... I'm tired of fiddling with stuff or indeed rebuilding things
so often.  I put most of the blame on the raspberry and sd card
corruption.  LMS and Max2play are fantastic.

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