Zombie wrote: 
> I use QLMS on a QNAP TS-251 NAS.
> Last night LMS worked fine, now it doesn't load. What has happened?
> I thought I had disabled automatic updates to QLMS to avoid this
> situation, wise from the last time I lost all my settings and info
> caused by an "upgrade".
> Is there any solution to this?
> And is there a way to avoid unwelcome "updates" to a working system?

Same situation here: Last night, QLMS worked fine, this morning, after
restart, no connection from iPeng. Looking at the error panel of my QNAP
TS451A shows that a new version of LMS was downloaded, started to
install and obviously failed. I was not aware that the automatic update
option was set "on", because after a very recent complete new install of
QLMS 2.21.00 I thought it should have been set "off" by default?

Anyway, most important question: How can I get my system running again?

Best regards

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