Paul Webster wrote: 
> I don't use iTunes - but I have just installed the iTunes Importer
> plugin and can see that there are a number of settings - including one
> that tells LMS where the exported iTunes XMl file is located.
> iTunes Music Library.xml Location
> iTunes Media Folder
> iTunes Playlist Format - Prefix/Suffix
> Plus an enabled/disabled setting at the top of the page (Use Itunes).
> How are they set in your system and do they look correct?[/QUOTE
> They were blank when I disabled iTunes and after reenabling I entered
> the Music Library location as the home for the XML file. That didn't fix
> the issue. Thanks Paul though, you made me look harder at the browse
> button and I see that I can enter the XML file itself which I had placed
> in the playlist folder and low and behold all the playlists are now
> appearing. The only issue is that each time I change an existing
> playlist I will have to recreate the xml file and rescan. Not terrible,
> but not great. But thank you Paul, I was feeling a bit abandoned. I
> really appreciate you taking the time.

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