Hi Michael,

Yes, I have been and I am still using Deezer once in while. 

I remember having browsed through the plugins after the update and,
noticing some new ones, activated a few. It could very well be that I
have enabled the 'Online Music Library Integration' one (because I
thought that maybe I could connect to my Nextcloud storage in a
convenient way...not knowing the functionality). 
However, I doubt that I had configured the plugin for Deezer and Tidal
to 'Integrate online library and _automatically_check_for_changes_' -
but that's how I found them before disabling the plugin. Again, I am not
100% sure and sorry for being so vague - I was down with a fever when I
did this.

The one thing I can tell you for sure though is that the problem with
re-scanning is gone - music played all day long today on different
clients and not a single re-scan or hick-up. Life is on again! :)

Thank you!

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