Please apologize for re-opening this thread again.
I currently run v8.2.0 in a docker container, and from what I find on
Docker HUB, this is the most recent version:


Still, I regularly get reminders of available updates:


The above info does not contain any reference to version number. All it
has is a date.
But when I look in Docker HUB, no new updates are available.

What am I missing here?

|Filename: Screenshot 2021-02-21 183159.jpg                         |

*QNAP TS-453Be 4x3TB RAID5*
        *QNAP TS-251 2x3TB RAID0*
        *QNAP HS-251 2x2TB RAID0*
        *QNAP TS-453Mini 2x1TB Raid 10*

        LMS running in Docker
        Madsonic running in Docker
        Guacamole QPGK
        R&D and Test server

        Home Assistant running in Docker
        Node-Red running in Docker
        RainLoop QPKG

        Pi-Hole running in Docker
        Bastillion running in Docker
        DeConz running in Docker w/ConBee II

        Mosquitto MQTT running in Docker
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