having searched i found a few threads that touched on this but nothing
that really answered what I'm after.

Basically I'd like to output a now playing RSS feed for each player on
the network that I can then consume in an RSS client on my android

Is this currently possible?

Any suggestions welcomed

thanks in advance

PiCorePlayer 6..1on Allo Digi One Signaturewith (Lounge)
PiCorePlayer 7 with pi official touchscreen and hifiberry Dig+ (Office)
PiCorePlayer 6.1 with pi official touchscreen and hifiberry
Radio  (Bedroom)
PiCorePlayer 6.1 with pi official touchscreen and USB DAC (Bedroom)
Squeezelite=x (Garage)
PiCorePlayer 6.1 with hifiberry AMP+(Patio 2)
PiCorePlayer 6.1 with hifiberry AMP+(Patio 2)

LMS 8.1 on DIY Unraid 6 Server (i5)

Squeeze user since the SB1
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