jstraw wrote: 
> Actually, I'm not completely clear on this. 
> I can go to advanced search and search for songs based on modified date
> and then play "all songs" on shuffle. That's the desired effect.
> I don't see saved searches on my interface, or how to save them. I also
> don't see how a library view enters into the equation.

You need to define a library view. Link to instructions on how to do
this is below, assuming you use the default skin. If you use Material
Skin it's a bit different.

The linked example is for a FLAC library view, change the search
criteria to your own criteria.


*Server - LMS 8.2.0 *Pi4B 4GB/Argon one case/pCP v7.0.1 - 75K library,
playlists & LMS cache on SSD (ntfs)
*Study -* Pi4/pCP 7.0.1/Topping E30 DAC/Ruark MR1 Mk2
*Lounge* - Pi2/pCP 6.0.0 > HiFiBerry DIGI+ > AudioEngine DAC1 > AVI DM5
*Dining Room* - Pi3B/pCP/Bluetooth/Echo Show 8
*Garage* - DAC32 > Edifier speakers

*Spares* - 2xTouch, 1xSB Radio. 1xSB3, 6xRPi
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