d6jg wrote: 
> Try to stop using Notepad and investigate Notepad++ - it is far far
> better

Definitely - Notepad is too limited.

Wordpad might be an alternative but just renaming the filename extension
from rtf to m3u does NOT change the format.  Editors may recognise the
RTF format and so may display the file as normal text but the file is
not in the right UTF8 format expected by LMS. The RTF file must be
exported or "Save As" into a ".txt" format with whatever editor you

LMS processing of m3u files is not strict - IIRC it ignores any lines
not beginning with "#EXTINF" and when it finds a "#EXTINF" line - the
next line is used as the file path. So RTF files with "normal" character
will be processed by LMS.

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