AFAIK the most recent stable version was 8.2.1 at that time (august 23),
which I have installed.
When I installed this version, there was a dev version 8.3 which I
skipped (want to stay in the stable-path).
Today, I noticed a new version is available according to the LMS screen.
But docker still says stable version is 8.2.1 and dev version is 8.3.

While 8.2.1 is the stable branch, it hasn't been released yet. Which means that it is getting a bug fix every now and then, without the version number being bumped each time.

8.3 is the development branch. It's where bigger changes are implemented.

If you wanted to not get any updates until there's a new release, you should stick with the "latest" tag for the Docker image. That should currently be 8.2.0.
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