SamY wrote: 
> It was way before my involvement with LMS but 'this thread'
> (
> from 2010 explains its origin. It seems that the notification's callback
> was originally defined only in the iPeng client app, which is where
> Chris was seeing the error messages. However, it's possible that the
> Squeezelite-X client might also be using it. As you said though, it
> doesn't seem to result in any harmful behavior beyond the log messages
> so maybe toning down the message is all that is needed.

I just got pointed to this thread and quickly read through all the
pages.  There does seem to be alot of moving parts.  I can answer any
questions as to what SLX does and does not do.  So far, from what I have
read, this mysterious error message appears when SLX is running in
Material Skin and the squeezelite player is running and is the one being
controlled.  Apparently, the error message also appears when running
iPeng.  I have no idea what the message even means, at this point.

SLX does create a CLI Telnet connection to the server and uses it login
and monitor a few things that SLX needs to know.

SLX does not use cometd, but iPeng and Material Skin do.

As this message seems to appear on an LMS restart, here is a summary of
what happens in SLX and these are the CLI commands that SLX would use on
an LMS restart.

On an LMS restart, SLX detects that the telnet connection is lost and
SLX will immediately terminate its own squeezelite-win instances.  SLX
will set a repeating timer and attempt to reconnect over CLI/Telnet
(about every 8 seconds, if I recall).  Meanwhile the Material Skin is
doing whatever it does, SLX leaves the browser alone.  Once SLX
successfully reconnects over CLI/Telnet, then it will go through the
rest of its connection initialization stuff, including restarting the
squeezelite-win instance(s), and including using the following CLI

can material ? 
subscribe power,client,name,playlist,mixer
syncgroups ?
players 0 999 
pref language ?
pref httpport ?
status - 1 subscribe
title ?
artist ?
album ?
serverstatus 0 0

SLX does not use the notification callback mentioned earlier, but I do
not know what the Material Skin is doing.

R Greg Dawson

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