
It seems like we are a few with an older version of BusyBox not
supporting your the commands you run in QLogitechMediaServer.sh.

Would it be possible to somehow make use QOptware-NG, I have it
installed but I don't know what it takes to QLogitechMediaServer.s to
running Grep  and other commands from there instead of BusyBox.

Or would it be possible to post an upgrade instruction for BusyBox? I
read that some did that but other recommend no to touch it, as QNAP
relies on some base functionality of BusyBox.

Looking forward to upgrade to latest QLMS... and run clean
QLogitechMediaServer.s start/stop commands.

NAS: QNAP TS-459U+ QTS 4.2.6 (4x 2TB, RAID5)
Services: LMS 8.2.0 by QLMS 2.21.00   'QLMS at QNAP club'
Squeezebox:  6x Receiver, 3x Boom, 2x SB3 Classic, 1x Touch
Controller:  Control by Material skin or iPeng, Local music or Spotify
by Spotty
jasell's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=17817
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