I am a person who has learnt und and is still practising to listen to
complete albums and not to single track based playlists. With a growing
amount of albums in my LMS I am missing some "features" which I used to
have when I was physically handling "real" LPs und CDs. 
There a two use cases where I am looking for a solution.
1)      I used to have a separate staple of about 20 albums which I do have
in focus and want to hear multiple times to learn a specific album in
reasonable detail. These are typically new albums for me but not only.
There is constant process of adding and removing albums from this
2)      I used to have my real favourite albums in a separate space in my
music shelf. Let’s say 100+ with low frequency of change.

So my question is if  somebody has already created  workaround solutions
or whether it is possible to create  a new feature (eg. Playlists for
complete Albums) supporting these use cases.

I looking forward for your responses. Thanks.

*Living Room:* piCorePlayer 8.0.0 on rPi 4 & 1TB USB (LMS 8.3 &
Squeezelite), RME ADI-2 DAC, Unison Research Sinfonia, Klipsch Forte
*Bedroom:* Boom / *Workspace:* Boom / *Kitchen:* Radio
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