Hi All,
I have been using LMS and PiCorePlayer on my Raspberry Pi for several
years now, with only occasional issues. Recently, when rescanning my
media library, pcp/lms sees only spotty albums and playlists, not the
files on my network share. Shared folder is on a Synology Nas.
I think I have specified the mount point, IP address for the NAS and
share name correctly in PCP LMS, and configured the NAS with the IP for
PCP, also correctly I think, but LMS doesn't see the shared folder. Nor
can I browse to it from the server settings basic settings webpage. I'd
like to fix this but don't know where to turn or what to change. Can
anyone help?

4eyes's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=70321
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