zzzap wrote: 
> Thats what DeltaWave are for I think ;) 
> Fact is I can repeatedly capture a bit perfect stream from WAV files.
> LMS use 'flac -d' output to stdout. This in theory should give us
> exactly the same result as if I use 'flac -d' manually on the FLAC file
> and then stream the WAV file given the data are passed on in timely
> manner. 
> But it doesn't. LMS stream WAV and FLAC diffrently. And possibly
> everything from 'stdout' are -touched -in similar manner?I tried recording a 
> track from Squeezelite-X using WASAPI loopback in
Audacity. The recorded track is around 2dB higher peak amplitude than
the original FLAC file but I have no idea why. 

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