Hi all,

I've noticed what I believe is a recent problem with the My Favorites /
My Playlists in the Tidal plugin. When changing an existing playlist on
the Desktop client, the added tracks will not show up on the playlist,
only the previous ones that were there before. Same thing with removing
tracks from the playlist. Now the interesting part is that the cover for
the playlist does update with the cover from the added albums - which
means communication is happening but the files within the playlist are
not being updated. When adding or removing albums from My Favorites or
adding / removing playlists from My Playlists, it also takes some time
(I'd say around 15 minutes at least) for the list to update - I assume
this will only update when "touching base" again with mysqueezebox.com.
However, tracks within the playlists will not update at all. Changing
the playlist name updates the name (after some time) but the files
within the playlist don't update anymore.

In summary, to test this issue try the following steps:

1. On Tidal Desktop, create a new playlist and add 1 full album to that
2. Go to the Tidal plugin on LMS and (after some time) the new playlist
show show up. Check the playlist has all files from both album you
3. Now go back to Tidal Desktop and add a few tracks from another album
to the playlist you have created before. Also rename the playlist so you
will now when it's updated (say add a 2 at the end).
4. Go to the Tidal Plugin on LMS and (after some time), the updated
playlist should show up. The cover for the playlist should include the
cover for the tracks you added. However, on the track list, they will
not show up at all.

Even if adding just one album to the playlist and later on removing some
tracks, all the tracks will still show.

This behavior was seen on both one of the latest 7.9.1 versions (30th
March I believe) and on the latest 7.9.2 (1 Jun). I've enabled debugging
for Squeezenetwork and Tidal plugin. Between 7.9.1 and 7.9.2 I notice
7.9.2 now uses https instead of http. Other than that I see no errors or
problems there.

Any light on what the problem may be?


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