2016-08-23 17:50 GMT+03:00 Alex Rousskov <rouss...@measurement-factory.com>:

> s/request-line/request-line: URI/ for consistency and clarity sake.

> I wonder whether we should make this variable static to avoid repeated
> function calls on a performance-sensitive code path. Same for the old
> "delimiters" variable left inside parseRequestFirstLine(), of course.

2016-08-24 17:30 GMT+03:00 Amos Jeffries <squ...@treenet.co.nz>:

> Option 1, is to use a fixed and slightly generic where message:
> "before protocol version"

Fixed and refreshed the patch.


MUST respond with 414 (URI Too Long) when request target exceeds limits.

Before the fix, Squid simply closed client connection after receiving a
huge URI (or a huge request-line), violating the RFC 7230 MUST. This
happened because a high-level Must(have buffer space) check in
ConnStateData::clientParseRequests() would throw an exception. Now these
problems are detected inside the low-level RequestParser code, where we
can distinguish huge URIs from huge methods.

=== modified file 'src/http/one/RequestParser.cc'
--- src/http/one/RequestParser.cc	2016-05-20 08:28:33 +0000
+++ src/http/one/RequestParser.cc	2016-08-24 23:12:45 +0000
@@ -58,60 +58,65 @@
         while (!buf_.isEmpty() && (buf_[0] == '\n' || (buf_[0] == '\r' && buf_[1] == '\n'))) {
  * Attempt to parse the method field out of an HTTP message request-line.
  * Governed by:
  *  RFC 1945 section 5.1
  *  RFC 7230 section 2.6, 3.1 and 3.5
 Http::One::RequestParser::parseMethodField(Http1::Tokenizer &tok)
     // method field is a sequence of TCHAR.
     // Limit to 32 characters to prevent overly long sequences of non-HTTP
     // being sucked in before mismatch is detected. 32 is itself annoyingly
     // big but there are methods registered by IANA that reach 17 bytes:
     //  http://www.iana.org/assignments/http-methods
     static const size_t maxMethodLength = 32; // TODO: make this configurable?
     SBuf methodFound;
     if (!tok.prefix(methodFound, CharacterSet::TCHAR, maxMethodLength)) {
         debugs(33, ErrorLevel(), "invalid request-line: missing or malformed method");
         parseStatusCode = Http::scBadRequest;
         return false;
     method_ = HttpRequestMethod(methodFound);
+    static const CharacterSet &delimiters = DelimiterCharacters();
+    if (!skipDelimiter(tok.skipAll(delimiters), "after method"))
+        return false;
     return true;
 /// the characters which truly are valid within URI
 static const CharacterSet &
     /* RFC 3986 section 2:
      * "
      *   A URI is composed from a limited set of characters consisting of
      *   digits, letters, and a few graphic symbols.
      * "
     static const CharacterSet UriChars =
         CharacterSet("URI-Chars","") +
         // RFC 3986 section 2.2 - reserved characters
         CharacterSet("gen-delims", ":/?#[]@") +
         CharacterSet("sub-delims", "!$&'()*+,;=") +
         // RFC 3986 section 2.3 - unreserved characters
         CharacterSet::ALPHA +
         CharacterSet::DIGIT +
         CharacterSet("unreserved", "-._~") +
         // RFC 3986 section 2.1 - percent encoding "%" HEXDIG
         CharacterSet("pct-encoded", "%") +
     return UriChars;
 /// characters which Squid will accept in the HTTP request-target (URI)
@@ -185,139 +190,149 @@
     SBuf digit;
     // Searching for Http1magic precludes detecting HTTP/2+ versions.
     // Rewrite if we ever _need_ to return 505 (Version Not Supported) errors.
     if (tok.suffix(digit, CharacterSet::DIGIT) && tok.skipSuffix(Http1magic)) {
         msgProtocol_ = Http::ProtocolVersion(1, (*digit.rawContent() - '0'));
         return true;
     // A GET request might use HTTP/0.9 syntax
     if (method_ == Http::METHOD_GET) {
         // RFC 1945 - no HTTP version field at all
         tok = savedTok; // in case the URI ends with a digit
         // report this assumption as an error if configured to triage parsing
         debugs(33, ErrorLevel(), "assuming HTTP/0.9 request-line");
         msgProtocol_ = Http::ProtocolVersion(0,9);
         return true;
     debugs(33, ErrorLevel(), "invalid request-line: not HTTP");
     parseStatusCode = Http::scBadRequest;
     return false;
  * Skip characters separating request-line fields.
  * To handle bidirectional parsing, the caller does the actual skipping and
  * we just check how many character the caller has skipped.
-Http::One::RequestParser::skipDelimiter(const size_t count)
+Http::One::RequestParser::skipDelimiter(const size_t count, const char *where)
     if (count <= 0) {
-        debugs(33, ErrorLevel(), "invalid request-line: missing delimiter");
+        debugs(33, ErrorLevel(), "invalid request-line: missing delimiter " << where);
         parseStatusCode = Http::scBadRequest;
         return false;
     // tolerant parser allows multiple whitespace characters between request-line fields
     if (count > 1 && !Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser) {
-        debugs(33, ErrorLevel(), "invalid request-line: too many delimiters");
+        debugs(33, ErrorLevel(), "invalid request-line: too many delimiters " << where);
         parseStatusCode = Http::scBadRequest;
         return false;
     return true;
 /// Parse CRs at the end of request-line, just before the terminating LF.
 Http::One::RequestParser::skipTrailingCrs(Http1::Tokenizer &tok)
     if (Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser) {
         (void)tok.skipAllTrailing(CharacterSet::CR); // optional; multiple OK
     } else {
         if (!tok.skipOneTrailing(CharacterSet::CR)) {
             debugs(33, ErrorLevel(), "invalid request-line: missing CR before LF");
             parseStatusCode = Http::scBadRequest;
             return false;
     return true;
  * Attempt to parse the first line of a new request message.
  * Governed by:
  *  RFC 1945 section 5.1
  *  RFC 7230 section 2.6, 3.1 and 3.5
  * \retval -1  an error occurred. parseStatusCode indicates HTTP status result.
  * \retval  1  successful parse. member fields contain the request-line items
  * \retval  0  more data is needed to complete the parse
     debugs(74, 5, "parsing possible request: buf.length=" << buf_.length());
     debugs(74, DBG_DATA, buf_);
     SBuf line;
     // Earlier, skipGarbageLines() took care of any leading LFs (if allowed).
     // Now, the request line has to end at the first LF.
     static const CharacterSet lineChars = CharacterSet::LF.complement("notLF");
     ::Parser::Tokenizer lineTok(buf_);
     if (!lineTok.prefix(line, lineChars) || !lineTok.skip('\n')) {
+        if (buf_.length() >= Config.maxRequestHeaderSize) {
+            /* who should we blame for our failure to parse this line? */
+            Http1::Tokenizer methodTok(buf_);
+            if (!parseMethodField(methodTok))
+                return -1; // blame a bad method (or its delimiter)
+            // assume it is the URI
+            debugs(74, ErrorLevel(), "invalid request-line: URI exceeds " <<
+                    Config.maxRequestHeaderSize << "-byte limit");
+            parseStatusCode = Http::scUriTooLong;
+            return -1;
+        }
         debugs(74, 5, "Parser needs more data");
         return 0;
     Http1::Tokenizer tok(line);
-    const CharacterSet &delimiters = DelimiterCharacters();
+    static const CharacterSet &delimiters = DelimiterCharacters();
     if (!parseMethodField(tok))
         return -1;
-    if (!skipDelimiter(tok.skipAll(delimiters)))
-        return -1;
     /* now parse backwards, to leave just the URI */
     if (!skipTrailingCrs(tok))
         return -1;
     if (!parseHttpVersionField(tok))
         return -1;
-    if (!http0() && !skipDelimiter(tok.skipAllTrailing(delimiters)))
+    if (!http0() && !skipDelimiter(tok.skipAllTrailing(delimiters), "before protocol version"))
         return -1;
     /* parsed everything before and after the URI */
     if (!parseUriField(tok))
         return -1;
     if (!tok.atEnd()) {
         debugs(33, ErrorLevel(), "invalid request-line: garbage after URI");
         parseStatusCode = Http::scBadRequest;
         return -1;
     parseStatusCode = Http::scOkay;
     buf_ = lineTok.remaining(); // incremental parse checkpoint
     return 1;
 Http::One::RequestParser::parse(const SBuf &aBuf)
     buf_ = aBuf;
     debugs(74, DBG_DATA, "Parse buf={length=" << aBuf.length() << ", data='" << aBuf << "'}");
     // stage 1: locate the request-line
     if (parsingStage_ == HTTP_PARSE_NONE) {
         // if we hit something before EOS treat it as a message
         if (!buf_.isEmpty())

=== modified file 'src/http/one/RequestParser.h'
--- src/http/one/RequestParser.h	2016-05-20 08:28:33 +0000
+++ src/http/one/RequestParser.h	2016-08-24 11:27:39 +0000
@@ -25,48 +25,48 @@
  * the major CRLF delimited segments of an HTTP/1 request message:
  * \item request-line (method, URL, protocol, version)
  * \item mime-header (set of RFC2616 syntax header fields)
 class RequestParser : public Http1::Parser
     virtual ~RequestParser() {}
     /* Http::One::Parser API */
     virtual void clear() {*this = RequestParser();}
     virtual Http1::Parser::size_type firstLineSize() const;
     virtual bool parse(const SBuf &aBuf);
     /// the HTTP method if this is a request message
     const HttpRequestMethod & method() const {return method_;}
     /// the request-line URI if this is a request message, or an empty string.
     const SBuf &requestUri() const {return uri_;}
     void skipGarbageLines();
     int parseRequestFirstLine();
     /* all these return false and set parseStatusCode on parsing failures */
     bool parseMethodField(Http1::Tokenizer &);
     bool parseUriField(Http1::Tokenizer &);
     bool parseHttpVersionField(Http1::Tokenizer &);
-    bool skipDelimiter(const size_t count);
+    bool skipDelimiter(const size_t count, const char *where);
     bool skipTrailingCrs(Http1::Tokenizer &tok);
     bool http0() const {return !msgProtocol_.major;}
     static const CharacterSet &RequestTargetCharacters();
     /// what request method has been found on the first line
     HttpRequestMethod method_;
     /// raw copy of the original client request-line URI field
     SBuf uri_;
 } // namespace One
 } // namespace Http

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