On 10/09/2016 2:24 a.m., Eduard Bagdasaryan wrote:
> 2016-08-28 1:51 GMT+03:00 Alex Rousskov wrote:
>> In summary, if you are going to commit the patch, it is your call
>> whether to rename Flags. If you want me to commit, please let me know
>> what name to use for that class. And the new TODO comment should be
>> adjusted to say "replace with a category-only setter".
> Just to refresh this issue state: any more suggestions/remarks apart from
> this Alex's summary?

Well, I'm still in slight disagreement with Alex on how to group things
-though that is mostly because we have not discussed it properly.

If a sub-struct name cannot be agreed then bool members in the LogTags
object is better than calling a sub-struct "flags" and only putting
flags for failure conditions into it.

I leave the final choice to you Eduard, we can always change it again
after later discussions.


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