On 27/05/20 2:25 pm, pic rat rat wrote:> Dear sir,
> We've found problem of squid program after config in squid.conf
> "ssl-bump generate-host-certificates=on,"

I hope that comma ',' is not in your config file. If it is that would be
the problem.

> service is not run, however I remove "generate-host-certificate=on"
> service is normally starting.
> Could you please advise?

Please see your logs for information on why Squid is not starting.
Either cache.log or the system log should contain a message (or several)
indicating the problem.

> squid -v
> Squid Cache: Version 3.5.20

This is not he complete output. Build information is missing.

> OS
> cat /etc/os-release
> NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server"

Have you tried contacting RHEL help channels about this?

 First point of contact should be the vendor whose Squid package you are
using. They are the most likely to know of any patching, custom build
setting, or OS environment details that may be relevant to the issue.

 As a fall-back contact the squid-users mailing list can be used to see
if the larger community has input or hints to help with a problem diagnosis.

This squid-dev contact is for discussion of the code itself. For
example; once you have evidence of the code being a problem - to discuss
changes for a fix. Or for assistance understanding where in the code to
look for such debugging.

squid-dev mailing list

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