On 5/29/21 2:58 PM, phenom252...@yandex.ru wrote:

> Hello, please help with building squid with ssl support for filtering
> https in transparent mode. I am assembling from sources on ubuntu server
> 18.20 version. The problem is that reading on your site, I do not
> understand what dependencies are needed to build a transparent squid in
> each version. I search for articles on the Internet, but this does not
> give much, since the articles may be outdated and when assembling, a
> mountain of errors simply pours in. The question is where is the list of
> dependencies for the assembly and what else is needed. Sorry for the
> possibly stupid questions, I'm just learning to work with a squid and I
> don't understand some points, but I really want to learn. Thank you for
> your help.

IIRC, the following packages are sufficient to build Squid on relatively
modern AWS servers, but I am not sure whether they match Ubuntu server
18.20 needs specifically:

>     build-essential
>     g++
>     gdb
>     automake
>     autoconf
>     autoconf-archive
>     libtool
>     libtool-bin
>     libssl1.0-dev
>     zlib1g-dev
>     openssl
>     libsystemd-dev
>     pkg-config

> ./configure --enable-ssl-crtd --with-openssl ...

I suggest that you fix basic build errors before trying to add more
dependencies for interception. I do not know exactly what libraries you
need for interception support on Ubuntu, and the answer may depend on
what kind of interception you want to use. Others on this mailing list
may help with that.


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