On 21/01/22 07:27, Eduard Bagdasaryan wrote:
I would concur with Alex that (4) is preferable: It does not break old configurations, re-uses existing mechanisms and allows to apply it only when/where required. I have one more option for your consideration: escaping with a backtick (e.g., `n) instead of a backslash. This approach is used, e.g., in PowerShell.

5a. Recognize just `n escape sequence in squid.conf regexes.

5b. Recognize all '`'-based escape sequences in squid.conf regexes.

Pros:  Easier upgrade: backtick is rare in regular expressions (compared to '%' or '/'), probably there is no need to convert old regexes at all.
Pros:  Simplicity: no double-escaping is required (as in (1b)).
Cons: Though it should be straightforward to specify common escape sequences, such as `n, `r or `t, we still need to devise a way of providing arbitrary character (i.e., its code) in this way.

You are mixing up different features offered by several of the *many* different languages people call "regex".

Squid regex patterns are written in GNU Regular Expression language. None of those commonly expected things are features in that ancient language.

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