On 9/20/22 02:34, Francesco Chemolli wrote:

    I agree that modules that can always be built, should be. Such modules
    should have no guarding #ifdefs. I think this is the set of modules
    your proposal is targeting, but please correct me if I am wrong. FWIW,
    this design stems from an even more general/fundamental rule of thumb:
    Do not add unnecessary #ifdefs.

I agree. We could also work on better isolation, by restricting #ifdef-guarded areas to specific delegate classes, and then using c++ features (e.g. if constexpr, eventually) to
disable the callsites.

Yes, of course, but I would start with modules/features that require no significant refactoring. I am not sure what the best candidates are, but I would evaluate ident, cache digests, htcp, and wccp first (these are from your own list of candidates).

For example, a feature like unlinkd (also on your list) would require adding a default-disabled configuration option (unlinkd_enable, similar to pinger_enable) or introducing support for a special program location spelling like "none". Adding either would break existing configurations that willingly run unlinkd. There are probably a few features/modules that do _not_ require such disruptive configuration changes. I would start with those.

    However, there is a precondition: Any always-built optional feature
    a potentially significant performance impact or a controversial side
    effect should be disabled by default (via squid.conf). Satisfying this
    precondition will require code changes.

Yes, I agree.

Glad we are on the same page!

I recommend giving Amos more time to leave feedback before spending time on code changes, but if we are all in agreement, then I am looking forward to PRs reducing the number of unnecessary #ifdefs. To minimize overheads, please use one PR per module/feature and avoid opening multiple concurrent PRs (at least until it is clear that we are on the same page regarding the overall approach to the corresponding code modifications).

Thank you,

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