On 9/22/22 10:03, ngtech1...@gmail.com wrote:

I am trying to write a service like security_file_certgen as a daemon that will 
be communicated  via a TCP or UNIX Socket.
However, it’s a bit hard for me now to grasp the STDIN/STDOUT protocol of 
I remember vaguely that it involves reading from some string (else then new 
lines) to another and then sends back
to stdout a certificate string.

So what are the parts of the request object and what are the parts of the 
response object?
If I will grasp it I will be able to model it in a single ruby script.

I know this is not the first time I am asking about this and it’s harder for me 
that I forget such simple things.
I will be thankful for any help with this.

The basic protocol syntax is documented at https://wiki.squid-cache.org/Features/AddonHelpers#SSL_certificate_generation

Beyond that, there is source code and actual traffic that you can analyze, of course, but there is no comprehensive documentation AFAICT.

Please note that Squid workers already communicate with these helpers via TCP or UNIX sockets. The helpers just do not know that because a forked intermediary process remaps those sockets to helper stdin/stdout descriptors. See `git grep -1 define.IPC_STREAM` and dup2() in ipcCreate().


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