On Tue, 23 Nov 2004, Alex Rousskov wrote:

AFAIK, the memory cache in Squid 2.5 keeps objects fetched from the network and in-transit objects. The memory cache does not keep objects fetched from disk.


In-transit objects purge cached memory objects if there is not enough space and may even exceed the configured memory cache size (the cache_mem directive).


Only objects under certain configurable size can be kept in the memory cache. Please correct me if any of the above is wrong.

All are correct. At least for 2.5 and earlier.

Is the above still true in Squid 3? Has any functionality related to the memory cache changed?

I assume it is still the case, but haven't kept a very close eye on these matters yet.

It has been discussed a lot to separate the hot object cache from in-transit data, and it is certainly the correct thing to do. I do not think this has yet been done, but I may be wrong.

It may also be worth noticing that the "Cache Mem" in at least 2.5 and earlier is very inefficiently structured and scales very bad with object size.


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