hai gonzalo arana,

    thanks for detailed reply.

> Looks like you are running into a CPU bottleneck.  Perhaps you may want
> to add --enable-cpu-profiling to configure, and check cpu usage data
> with cache manager, or compile and link with -pg and check results with
> gprof.

I have done configuration with --enable-cpu-profiling and monitoring with 
cachemgr.cgi script.

> Also, verify whether CPU usage is in kernel-mode or user-mode with vmstat
> during the test (sar gives this information as well).

vmstat result when squid is running at peak load ( 180 req / sec ),

procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- ----cpu----
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in                 cs 
 us sy   id wa
 1  0      0 119024  34116  61252    0    0     0   110 11035    79 69 31  0  0
 1  0      0  99464  34144  61256    0    0     0   148 13033     26 65 35  0  0

> Looks like you are running with (the same?) CPU bottleneck.
> epoll's advantage is that CPU usage does not grow with the number of
> idle TCP connections.  If the number of concurrent connections is large,
> and there are no idle connections, epoll should only give a small
> increase in throughput (no cpu is used for traversing the list of fds).
> Is, by any chance, throughput (in bps) slightly larger with epoll?

I did not get this. How to measure throughput (in bps)?

>> 008.75| Connection.cc:485: error: 1/1 (s110) Connection timed out
>> 008.75| error: raw write after connect failed
>>     after these req / sec configuration setting.
> Try enabling SYN cookies, and running squid with ulimit -HSn 131072.

I have tuned sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies=1, ulimit -HSn there. But I am 
getting same error reply as,
Connection.cc:485: error: 1/1 (s110) Connection timed out

can we get more req / sec satisfacation for 512 MB RAM, 927.753 MHz cpu (pIIII) 
I am using /dev/null file system for benchmarking?

Do you have benchmarking any results for squid?


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