On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 12:04:54 +0200 (CEST)
 Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, 12 Apr 2005, Evgeny Kotsuba wrote:

Has this [strange] message in log any  reasonable   information ?

WARNING: unparseable HTTP header field {HTTP/1.0 200 OK}
squid 2.5.x

This is commonly seen from broken web servers sending two status lines, presumably caused by a bad CGI or similar responding with a full HTTP status line rather than the CGI status line format..

Well, but there is no any key what server and what is bad in {HTTP/1.0 200 OK} in warning message
Squid-2.5.STABLE9 is a little more forgiving on these than 2.5.STABLE8 was.
I see it but this {HTTP/1.0 200 OK} in user's log from Squid-2.5.STABLE9-Last made me crazy again ;-)

SY, Evgeny Kotsuba

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