tis 2006-07-11 klockan 14:34 +0200 skrev Luigi Gangitano:

> I've just packaged squid-2.6.STABLE1 and squid-3.0.PRE4 for debian,  
> enabling epoll() support at build time.
> This obviously makes squid fail with kernels older than 2.6.x which  
> are still supported by debian.
> During discussions on the debian-devel mailing list, it was proposed  
> to enable a fallback if epoll() is not available at startup,  
> switching to the old poll() behaviour.

I think the best solution to this is to write a libevent comm loop.
Having the switching in Squid is a little troublesome, and probably not
worth the effort with libevent already existing..

I assume libevent is supported by Debian?

> I admit I don't have the skill to do that. Is this possible in the  
> comm framework?

Adding a libevent comm loop certainly is possible. Actually not very
much different from the native epoll and kqueue comm loops already
there. Just a little more per-fd state than epoll/kqueue.

The native poll/select loops is very different and is best left ignored
when thinking about this..


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