Hi Alex,
    I try some test's. It is not so bad, but I saw that there are problems.
After surfing the web for a while the icap-client of squid failed and
the squid returned an error page to the web browser (ICAP protocoll
error .... ICAP server is not reachable ......)
The icap client sends an respmod request with preview  data and after
the the server responds with 100 Continue the squid closes the connection.
I have the same error on some sites (e.g freshmeat.net) using c-icap
icap server. I compiled squid using gcc 4.1.2.
 I did not have enough time to look more on it. I will try to find time
next days for tests and debuging.....

My squid logs are:
 2007/02/14 20:21:19.587| ICAPModXact should offer 43-byte preview
(service wanted 1024)
2007/02/14 20:21:19.587| ICAPModXact ICAP will write [FD
13r;Rrw(1)P(43)B/ icapx338]:
RESPMOD icap:// ICAP/1.0
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 18:21:19 GMT
Encapsulated: req-hdr=0, res-hdr=597, res-body=821
Preview: 43
Allow: 204

Host: ads.in.gr
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.8.1)
Gecko/20061023 SUSE/2.0-30 Firefox/2.0
Accept: image/png,*/*;q=0.5
Accept-Language: el,en-us;q=0.7,en;q=0.3
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-7,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
Referer: http://www.in.gr/news/category.asp?lngDtrID=251
Via: 1.0 fortune.home.chtsanti.net (C-ICAP/120207 Clamav/Antivirus service )

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 18:19:51 GMT
Server: Apache
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.4
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, no-cache
Content-Length: 43
Connection: close
Content-Type: image/gif

2007/02/14 20:21:19.587| ICAPModXact::noteCommConnected ended [FD
13wr;Rrw(2)P(43)B/ icapx338]
2007/02/14 20:21:19.588| ICAPModXact::noteCommWrote called [FD
13wr;Rrw(2)P(43)B/ icapx338]
2007/02/14 20:21:19.588| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(149) Wrote 1014 bytes
2007/02/14 20:21:19.588| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(177) checking whether to
write more [FD 13r;Rrw(3)P(43)B/ icapx338]
2007/02/14 20:21:19.588| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(216) will write Preview
body from 0x8525f40*2 [FD 13r;Rrw(3)P(43)B/ icapx338]
2007/02/14 20:21:19.588| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(255) will write up to 43
bytes of preview body
2007/02/14 20:21:19.588| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(266) will write 43-byte
chunk of preview body
2007/02/14 20:21:19.588| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(278) will write last-chunk
of preview body
2007/02/14 20:21:19.588| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(283) will write 54 raw
bytes of preview body
2007/02/14 20:21:19.588| ICAPModXact wrote entire Preview body [FD
13wr;Rrw(3)B/P icapx338]
2007/02/14 20:21:19.588| ICAPModXact::noteCommWrote ended [FD
13wr;Rrw(4)B/P icapx338]
2007/02/14 20:21:19.588| ICAPModXact::noteCommWrote called [FD
13wr;Rrw(4)B/P icapx338]
2007/02/14 20:21:19.589| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(149) Wrote 54 bytes
2007/02/14 20:21:19.589| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(177) checking whether to
write more [FD 13r;Rrw(4)B/P icapx338]
2007/02/14 20:21:19.589| ICAPModXact::noteCommWrote ended [FD
13r;Rrw(4)B/P icapx338]
2007/02/14 20:21:19.599| ICAP/ICAPXaction.cc(58) 0x84d8ac8 read returned 25
2007/02/14 20:21:19.599| ICAPModXact::noteCommRead called [FD
13r;Rrw(4)B/P icapx338]
2007/02/14 20:21:19.599| ICAP/ICAPXaction.cc(328) read 25 bytes
2007/02/14 20:21:19.599| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(548) have 25 bytes to parse
[FD 13;Rrw(4)B/P icapx338]
2007/02/14 20:21:19.599| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(549)
ICAP/1.0 100 Continue

2007/02/14 20:21:19.599| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(577) parse ICAP headers
2007/02/14 20:21:19.599| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(780) have 25 head bytes to
parse; state: 0
2007/02/14 20:21:19.600| HttpMsg::parse success (25 bytes) near
'ICAP/1.0 100 Continue

2007/02/14 20:21:19.600| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(792) parse success, consume
25 bytes, return true
2007/02/14 20:21:19.600| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(177) checking whether to
write more [FD 13;Rrw(5)B/P icapx338]
2007/02/14 20:21:19.600| ICAPModXact::noteCommRead caught an exception:
virginWriteClaim.active()  [FD 13;Rrw(5)B/P icapx338]
2007/02/14 20:21:19.600| ICAPModXact will stop, reason: exception
2007/02/14 20:21:19.600| ICAPModXact::noteCommRead ends xaction  [FD
13;Rrw(5)B/StoppedP icapx338]
2007/02/14 20:21:19.600| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(943) swan sings [FD
13;Rrw(5)B/StoppedP icapx338]
2007/02/14 20:21:19.600| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(946) swan sings for
exception [FD 13;Rrw(5)B/StoppedP icapx338]
2007/02/14 20:21:19.600| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(947) will call
2007/02/14 20:21:19.600| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(412) will no longer write
[FD 13;Rrw(5)B/StoppedP icapx338]
2007/02/14 20:21:19.601| ICAPModXact will no longer backup [FD
13;RrB/StoppedwP icapx338]
2007/02/14 20:21:19.601| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(376) consuming 43 out of 43
virgin body bytes
2007/02/14 20:21:19.601| ICAPModXact will not start sending [FD
13;Rr/StoppedwP icapx338]
2007/02/14 20:21:19.601| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(541) will stop consuming
[FD 13;Rr/StoppedwPS icapx338]
2007/02/14 20:21:19.601| ICAP/ICAPXaction.cc(174) closing pconn [FD
13;r/StoppedRwPS icapx338]
2007/02/14 20:21:19.601| ICAP/ICAPXaction.cc(429) swan sang
[/StoppedRwPS icapx338]
2007/02/14 20:21:19.601| ICAP/ICAPXaction.cc(489)
ICAPModXact::noteCommRead ended 0x84d8ac8
2007/02/14 20:21:19.623| entering
2007/02/14 20:21:19.624| ICAPModXact destructed, this=0x84d8ac8 [icapx338]
2007/02/14 20:21:19.624| Server.cc(464) handleIcapAborted; entry empty: 1
2007/02/14 20:21:19.624| Server.cc(470) creating ICAP error entry after
ICAP failure
2007/02/14 20:21:19.624| Server.cc(478) bailing after ICAP failure
2007/02/14 20:21:19.624| Server.cc(333) cleaning ICAP
2007/02/14 20:21:19.624| http.cc(1302) closing HTTP server FD -1 this
2007/02/14 20:21:19.624| Server.cc(112) transaction done
2007/02/14 20:21:19.624| http.cc(151) HttpStateData 0x8521d10 destroyed;
FD -1
2007/02/14 20:21:19.625| Server.cc(333) cleaning ICAP
2007/02/14 20:21:19.625| exiting

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