Hey all,

This mail is the following of some mails of this list. I tried to be clearer and add more attachments. As adviced by Tsantilas Christos and confirmed by Alex Rousskov, I installed the Squid-3 nightly snapshot on my squid box to test with my ICAP server. The fact is that I doubt the old ICAP server (last release: October 30, 2002) from http://icap-server.sourceforge.net/ that I chose for the possibility it offers to custom modification.

The problem I'm facing is that, in respmod_precache (I haven't tried other vectoring points), the browser didn't display anything. So I turned on all debug for ICAP part (debug_options ALL,1 93,9) and get the cache.log attached. As you can see, Squid receives the ICAP response (lines 268-518) but stops the parsing and finally doesn't send anything (lines 524/525). This few lines make me doubt the ICAP server.

My skill in C++ being limited, I can't understand this behavior. That's why I seek help for this problem. Does the problem come from the ICAP server as I guess ? Or is it something wrong in squid ? In the first case, I will try to fix the server, else I will gladly report the problem as a bug.

Feel free to ask for more precision if I am not clear.

Thanks in advance,

Jérémy Lardon
Laboratoire DIOM, équipe SATIn - Doctorant
04 77 48 50 34

2007/05/15 15:37:02| Starting Squid Cache version 3.0.PRE6-20070515 for i686-pc-linux-gnu...
2007/05/15 15:37:02| Process ID 27927
2007/05/15 15:37:02| With 1024 file descriptors available
2007/05/15 15:37:02| Performing DNS Tests...
2007/05/15 15:37:02| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2007/05/15 15:37:02| DNS Socket created at, port 32794, FD 4
2007/05/15 15:37:02| Adding domain univ-st-etienne.fr from /etc/resolv.conf
2007/05/15 15:37:02| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
2007/05/15 15:37:02| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
2007/05/15 15:37:03| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 9
2007/05/15 15:37:03| Swap maxSize 102400 KB, estimated 7876 objects
2007/05/15 15:37:03| Target number of buckets: 393
2007/05/15 15:37:03| Using 8192 Store buckets
2007/05/15 15:37:03| Max Mem  size: 8192 KB
2007/05/15 15:37:03| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
2007/05/15 15:37:03| Rebuilding storage in /home/adminlardon/squid/var/cache (CLEAN)
2007/05/15 15:37:03| Using Least Load store dir selection
2007/05/15 15:37:03| Set Current Directory to /home/adminlardon/squid/var/cache
2007/05/15 15:37:03| Loaded Icons.
2007/05/15 15:37:03| Accepting  HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 11.
2007/05/15 15:37:03| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 12.
2007/05/15 15:37:03| WCCP Disabled.
2007/05/15 15:37:03| Ready to serve requests.
2007/05/15 15:37:03| Configuring Parent cache.univ-st-etienne.fr/3128/3130
2007/05/15 15:37:03| Done reading /home/adminlardon/squid/var/cache swaplog (3 entries)
2007/05/15 15:37:03| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2007/05/15 15:37:03|         3 Entries scanned
2007/05/15 15:37:03|         0 Invalid entries.
2007/05/15 15:37:03|         0 With invalid flags.
2007/05/15 15:37:03|         3 Objects loaded.
2007/05/15 15:37:03|         0 Objects expired.
2007/05/15 15:37:03|         0 Objects cancelled.
2007/05/15 15:37:03|         0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2007/05/15 15:37:03|         0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2007/05/15 15:37:03|   Took 0.026 seconds (1.2e+02 objects/sec).
2007/05/15 15:37:03| Beginning Validation Procedure
2007/05/15 15:37:03|   Completed Validation Procedure
2007/05/15 15:37:03|   Validated 31 Entries
2007/05/15 15:37:03|   store_swap_size = 12
2007/05/15 15:37:04| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2007/05/15 15:37:23.829| ICAPAccessCheck constructed for REQMOD PRECACHE
2007/05/15 15:37:23.829| ICAPAccessCheck::check
2007/05/15 15:37:23.829| ICAP/ICAPConfig.cc(272) looking for the first matching service in class c1
2007/05/15 15:37:23.829| ICAP/ICAPConfig.cc(324) found no matching services in class c1
2007/05/15 15:37:23.829| ICAPAccessCheck::check: NO candidates or matches found
2007/05/15 15:37:23.829| ICAPAccessCheckCallbackWrapper: answer=1
2007/05/15 15:37:23.840| ICAPAccessCheckCallbackEvent
2007/05/15 15:37:23.841| ICAPAccessCheck::do_callback
2007/05/15 15:37:23.841| ICAP/ICAPConfig.cc(261) do_callback: no 
2007/05/15 15:37:23.841| client_side_request.cc(512) 0x8512de0 icapAclCheckDone called
2007/05/15 15:37:23.891| ctx: enter level  0: 'http://www.lemonde.fr/rss/sequence/0,2-3208,1-0,0.xml'
2007/05/15 15:37:23.892| ICAPAccessCheck constructed for RESPMOD PRECACHE
2007/05/15 15:37:23.892| ICAPAccessCheck::check
2007/05/15 15:37:23.892| ICAP/ICAPConfig.cc(272) looking for the first matching service in class c1
2007/05/15 15:37:23.892| ICAP/ICAPConfig.cc(310) found first matching service in class c1: s1
2007/05/15 15:37:23.892| ICAPAccessCheck::check: class 'c1' has candidate service 's1'
2007/05/15 15:37:23.892| ICAPAccessCheckCallbackWrapper: answer=1
2007/05/15 15:37:23.892| ICAPAccessCheckCallbackWrapper matchedClass = c1
2007/05/15 15:37:23.902| ctx: exit level  0
2007/05/15 15:37:23.902| ICAPAccessCheckCallbackEvent
2007/05/15 15:37:23.903| ICAPAccessCheck::do_callback
2007/05/15 15:37:23.903| ICAPAccessCheck::do_callback matchedClass = c1
2007/05/15 15:37:23.903| ICAP/ICAPConfig.cc(272) looking for the first matching up service in class c1
2007/05/15 15:37:23.903| ICAP/ICAPConfig.cc(303) cannot skip an essential down service
2007/05/15 15:37:23.903| ICAP/ICAPConfig.cc(310) found first matching down-but-essential service in class c1: s1
2007/05/15 15:37:23.903| ICAP/ICAPConfig.cc(257) do_callback: with service icap://
2007/05/15 15:37:23.903| Server.cc(324) will send virgin reply body to 0x853b3c0*2; size: 8611
2007/05/15 15:37:23.903| ICAP/AsyncJob.cc(14) will call AsyncJob::noteStart(0x853f3c8)
2007/05/15 15:37:23.903| entering AsyncJob::noteStart(0x853f3c8)
2007/05/15 15:37:23.903| ICAPModXactLauncher::noteStart called
2007/05/15 15:37:23.903| ICAP/ICAPLauncher.cc(35) launching xaction #1
2007/05/15 15:37:23.904| 
2007/05/15 15:37:23.904| ICAPModXact initialized. [R/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.904| ICAP/AsyncJob.cc(14) will call AsyncJob::noteStart(0x85434e8)
2007/05/15 15:37:23.904| ICAPModXactLauncher::noteStart ended
2007/05/15 15:37:23.904| exiting AsyncJob::noteStart(0x853f3c8)
2007/05/15 15:37:23.904| entering AsyncJob::noteStart(0x85434e8)
2007/05/15 15:37:23.904| ICAPModXact::noteStart called [R/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.905| ICAPModXact expects virgin body from 0x853b3c0*4; size: 8611
2007/05/15 15:37:23.905| ICAPModXact will wait for the ICAP service [R/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.905| ICAP/ICAPServiceRep.cc(305) ICAPService is asked to call 0x85434e8 when ready [down,!opt]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.905| ICAPService will get new options [down,!opt]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.905| ICAP/AsyncJob.cc(14) will call AsyncJob::noteStart(0x8547610)
2007/05/15 15:37:23.905| ICAPModXact::noteStart ended [UR/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.905| exiting AsyncJob::noteStart(0x85434e8)
2007/05/15 15:37:23.905| ICAPModXact::noteMoreBodyDataAvailable called [UR/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.905| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(179) checking whether to write more [UR/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.905| ICAPModXact::noteMoreBodyDataAvailable ended [UR/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.916| ICAPModXact::noteMoreBodyDataAvailable called [UR/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.917| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(179) checking whether to write more [UR/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.917| ICAPModXact::noteMoreBodyDataAvailable ended [UR/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.917| entering AsyncJob::noteStart(0x8547610)
2007/05/15 15:37:23.917| ICAPOptXactLauncher::noteStart called
2007/05/15 15:37:23.917| ICAP/ICAPLauncher.cc(35) launching xaction #1
2007/05/15 15:37:23.917| 
2007/05/15 15:37:23.917| ICAP/AsyncJob.cc(14) will call AsyncJob::noteStart(0x854b740)
2007/05/15 15:37:23.917| ICAPOptXactLauncher::noteStart ended
2007/05/15 15:37:23.917| exiting AsyncJob::noteStart(0x8547610)
2007/05/15 15:37:23.917| ICAPModXact::noteMoreBodyDataAvailable called [UR/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.917| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(179) checking whether to write more [UR/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.917| ICAPModXact::noteMoreBodyDataAvailable ended [UR/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.917| ICAPModXact::noteBodyProductionEnded called [UR/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.917| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(179) checking whether to write more [UR/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.917| ICAPModXact::noteBodyProductionEnded ended [UR/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.928| entering AsyncJob::noteStart(0x854b740)
2007/05/15 15:37:23.928| ICAPOptXact::noteStart called [/ icapx2]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.928| 
2007/05/15 15:37:23.929| 
2007/05/15 15:37:23.929| ICAPOptXact::noteStart ended [FD 13;/ icapx2]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.929| exiting AsyncJob::noteStart(0x854b740)
2007/05/15 15:37:23.929| ICAPOptXact::noteCommConnected called [FD 13;/ icapx2]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.930| ICAPOptXact request  [FD 13r;/ icapx2]:
OPTIONS icap:// ICAP/1.0

2007/05/15 15:37:23.930| ICAPOptXact::noteCommConnected ended [FD 13wr;/ icapx2]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.930| ICAPOptXact::noteCommWrote called [FD 13wr;/ icapx2]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.930| ICAPOptXact finished writing 78-byte request  [FD 13r;/ icapx2]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.930| ICAPOptXact::noteCommWrote ended [FD 13r;/ icapx2]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.935| ICAP/ICAPXaction.cc(58) 0x854b740 read returned 293
2007/05/15 15:37:23.935| ICAPOptXact::noteCommRead called [FD 13r;/ icapx2]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.935| ICAP/ICAPXaction.cc(330) read 293 bytes
2007/05/15 15:37:23.935| 
2007/05/15 15:37:23.935| ICAP/ICAPOptXact.cc(71) have 293 bytes to parse [FD 13;/ icapx2]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.935| ICAP/ICAPOptXact.cc(72) 
ICAP/1.0 200 OK
Transfer-Preview: *
Preview: 30
Service: Python ICAP Server 1.2
Service-ID: ???
Encapsulated: null-body=0
Options-TTL: 300
ISTAG: "001-000-000001"
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 14:38:47 GMT
Max-Connections: 1000
Server: ICAP-Server-Software/1.0

2007/05/15 15:37:23.935| ICAP/ICAPXaction.cc(368) have 293 head bytes to parse
2007/05/15 15:37:23.935| ICAP/ICAPInitiate.cc(176) will call 0x854762c->ICAPInitiator::noteIcapAnswer(0x84c2038)
2007/05/15 15:37:23.935| ICAPOptXact::noteCommRead ends job  [FD 13;/ icapx2]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.935| ICAP/ICAPXaction.cc(163) not reusing pconn due to pending I/O [FD 13;/ icapx2]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.935| ICAP/ICAPXaction.cc(173) closing pconn [FD 13;/ icapx2]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.936| ICAP/ICAPInitiate.cc(82) swan sings [/ icapx2]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.936| ICAP/ICAPInitiate.cc(89) swan sang [/ icapx2]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.936| 
2007/05/15 15:37:23.936| ICAP/AsyncJob.cc(106) ICAPOptXact::noteCommRead ended 0x854b740
2007/05/15 15:37:23.946| entering 0x854762c->ICAPInitiator::noteIcapAnswer(0x84c2038)
2007/05/15 15:37:23.946| ICAPOptXactLauncher::noteIcapAnswer called
2007/05/15 15:37:23.947| ICAP/ICAPInitiate.cc(176) will call 0x828f298->ICAPInitiator::noteIcapAnswer(0x84c2038)
2007/05/15 15:37:23.947| ICAPOptXactLauncher::noteIcapAnswer ends job 
2007/05/15 15:37:23.947| ICAP/ICAPInitiate.cc(82) swan sings
2007/05/15 15:37:23.947| ICAP/ICAPInitiate.cc(89) swan sang
2007/05/15 15:37:23.947| ICAP/AsyncJob.cc(106) ICAPOptXactLauncher::noteIcapAnswer ended 0x8547610
2007/05/15 15:37:23.947| exiting 0x854762c->ICAPInitiator::noteIcapAnswer(0x84c2038)
2007/05/15 15:37:23.957| entering 0x828f298->ICAPInitiator::noteIcapAnswer(0x84c2038)
2007/05/15 15:37:23.957| ICAPService is interpreting new options [down,!opt]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.958| ICAPOptions::cfgIntHeader Max-Connections: 1000
2007/05/15 15:37:23.958| ICAPOptions::cfgIntHeader Options-TTL: 300
2007/05/15 15:37:23.958| ICAPOptions::cfgIntHeader Preview: 30
2007/05/15 15:37:23.958| ICAPOptions::cfgTransferList: set default transfer to Transfer-Preview
2007/05/15 15:37:23.958| ICAPOptions::cfgTransferList: no Transfer-Preview extensions
2007/05/15 15:37:23.958| ICAPOptions::cfgTransferList: no Transfer-Ignore extensions
2007/05/15 15:37:23.958| ICAPOptions::cfgTransferList: no Transfer-Complete extensions
2007/05/15 15:37:23.958| ICAPService changes options from 0 to 0x854f738 [down,!opt]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.958| ICAP service's clock is skewed by 7284 seconds: icap://
2007/05/15 15:37:23.958| ICAPService got new options and is now [up]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.958| ICAPService options expire on 1179243827 >= 1179236243
2007/05/15 15:37:23.958| ICAPService options raw update at 1179243807 or in 7564 sec
2007/05/15 15:37:23.958| ICAPService will update options in 7564 sec
2007/05/15 15:37:23.958| ICAPService will notify 1 clients
2007/05/15 15:37:23.958| exiting 0x828f298->ICAPInitiator::noteIcapAnswer(0x84c2038)
2007/05/15 15:37:23.969| ICAPService notifies 1 clients [up,notif]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.970| ICAPModXact::noteServiceReady called [UR/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.970| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(1087) preview disabled by squid.conf
2007/05/15 15:37:23.970| 
2007/05/15 15:37:23.970| 
2007/05/15 15:37:23.970| ICAPModXact::noteServiceReady ended [FD 13;Rrw(1)/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.971| ICAPModXact::noteCommConnected called [FD 13;Rrw(1)/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.971| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(1030) will allow 204s outside of preview
2007/05/15 15:37:23.971| ICAPModXact ICAP will write [FD 13r;Rrw(1)B/ icapx1]:
RESPMOD icap:// ICAP/1.0
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 13:37:23 GMT
Encapsulated: req-hdr=0, res-hdr=468, res-body=951
Allow: 204

GET http://www.lemonde.fr/rss/sequence/0,2-3208,1-0,0.xml HTTP/1.1
Host: www.lemonde.fr
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Accept-Language: fr,fr-fr;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Server: Apache
Content-Length: 8611
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ETag: "422e-221b-4649c5cc"
Expires: Tue, 15 May 2007 14:38:47 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 14:38:47 GMT
X-Cache: MISS from cache.univ-st-etienne.fr
Proxy-Connection: close

2007/05/15 15:37:23.971| ICAPModXact::noteCommConnected ended [FD 13wr;Rrw(2)B/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.972| ICAPModXact::noteCommWrote called [FD 13wr;Rrw(2)B/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.972| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(151) Wrote 1130 bytes
2007/05/15 15:37:23.972| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(179) checking whether to write more [FD 13r;Rrw(5)B/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.972| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(257) will write up to 8611 bytes of prime virgin body
2007/05/15 15:37:23.972| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(268) will write 8611-byte chunk of prime virgin body
2007/05/15 15:37:23.972| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(288) will write last-chunk of prime virgin body
2007/05/15 15:37:23.972| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(293) will write 8624 raw bytes of prime virgin body
2007/05/15 15:37:23.972| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(247) wrote entire body
2007/05/15 15:37:23.972| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(394) will wait for the last write [FD 13wr;Rrw(5)B/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.972| ICAPModXact::noteCommWrote ended [FD 13wr;Rrw(6)B/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.973| ICAPModXact::noteCommWrote called [FD 13wr;Rrw(6)B/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.973| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(151) Wrote 8624 bytes
2007/05/15 15:37:23.973| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(179) checking whether to write more [FD 13r;Rrw(6)B/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.973| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(409) will no longer write [FD 13r;Rrw(6)B/ icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:23.973| ICAPModXact::noteCommWrote ended [FD 13r;RrB/w icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:24.070| ICAP/ICAPXaction.cc(58) 0x85434e8 read returned 512
2007/05/15 15:37:24.070| ICAPModXact::noteCommRead called [FD 13r;RrB/w icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:24.070| ICAP/ICAPXaction.cc(330) read 512 bytes
2007/05/15 15:37:24.070| 
2007/05/15 15:37:24.070| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(547) have 512 bytes to parse [FD 13;RrB/w icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:24.070| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(548) 
ICAP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 14:38:47 GMT
Encapsulated: res-hdr=0 res-body=477
Server: ICAP-Server-Software/1.0

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 4926
Proxy-Connection: close
X-Cache: MISS from cache.univ-st-etienne.fr
Set-Cookie: idrxvr=35AA002B-BEC2-4895-8C1E-F221BB9BFF12;expires=Fri, 01-Jan-2010 10:00:00 GMT; domain=.xiti.com; path=/;
Expires: Tue, 15 May 2007 14:38:47 GMT
Server: Apache
ETag: "422e-221b-4649c5cc"
X-Auth-Control: mod_auth_lemonde
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: ma
2007/05/15 15:37:24.070| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(576) parse ICAP headers
2007/05/15 15:37:24.070| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(788) have 512 head bytes to parse; state: 0
2007/05/15 15:37:24.070| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(800) parse success, consume 128 bytes, return true
2007/05/15 15:37:24.070| ICAPModXact will no longer backup [FD 13;RrBp(1)S(2)/w icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:24.070| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(372) consuming 8611 out of 8611 virgin body bytes
2007/05/15 15:37:24.070| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(540) will stop consuming [FD 13;Rrp(1)S(2)/w icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:24.070| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(581) parse HTTP headers
2007/05/15 15:37:24.071| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(788) have 384 head bytes to parse; state: 1
2007/05/15 15:37:24.071| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(795) parse failed, need more data, return false
2007/05/15 15:37:24.071| ICAPModXact::noteCommRead ended [FD 13r;rp(1)S(2)/Rw icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:24.071| ICAP/ICAPXaction.cc(58) 0x85434e8 read returned 5027
2007/05/15 15:37:24.071| ICAPModXact::noteCommRead called [FD 13r;rp(1)S(2)/Rw icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:24.071| ICAP/ICAPXaction.cc(330) read 5027 bytes
2007/05/15 15:37:24.071| 
2007/05/15 15:37:24.071| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(547) have 5411 bytes to parse [FD 13;rp(1)S(2)/Rw icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:24.071| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(548) 
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 4926
Proxy-Connection: close
X-Cache: MISS from cache.univ-st-etienne.fr
Set-Cookie: idrxvr=35AA002B-BEC2-4895-8C1E-F221BB9BFF12;expires=Fri, 01-Jan-2010 10:00:00 GMT; domain=.xiti.com; path=/;
Expires: Tue, 15 May 2007 14:38:47 GMT
Server: Apache
ETag: "422e-221b-4649c5cc"
X-Auth-Control: mod_auth_lemonde
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 14:38:47 GMT
Content-Type: text/html

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La répartition des portefeuilles continuait de changer au fil de la journée de mardi. Revue de détail, même si l&#39;avalanche de noms invite à la prudence.


<a href="
http://www.lemonde.fr/web/panorama/0,[EMAIL PROTECTED],32-910449,0.html?xtor=RSS-3208
"Pour connaître Jacques Chirac, il ne faut pas passer par l'Elysée"


Béatrice Gurrey a suivi Jacques Chirac depuis 2002 pour &#34;Le Monde&#34;. Elle revient sur les différentes facettes du président.


<a href="
http://www.lemonde.fr/web/article/0,[EMAIL PROTECTED],36-910201,0.html?xtor=RSS-3208
La renégociation de la Constitution européenne est lancée


Avec la visite mercredi du président Sarkozy à Berlin, la renégociation du traité constitutionnel européen rejeté par les Français en 2005 entre dans le vif du sujet.


<a href="
http://www.lemonde.fr/web/article/0,[EMAIL PROTECTED],36-910082,0.html?xtor=RSS-3208
Appels au calme après les affrontements interpalestiniens à Gaza


Le président palestinien a demandé la levée totale du boycottage contre l&#39;Autorité palestinienne afin de rétablir le calme sur la bande de Gaza, où de nouveaux affrontements ont fait au moins onze morts, mardi.


<a href="
http://www.lemonde.fr/web/article/0,[EMAIL PROTECTED],36-910225,0.html?xtor=RSS-3208
La Société générale veut éviter de devenir la cible d'une OPA


Le 14 mai, le PDG de la banque a affirmé qu&#39;aucune discussion n&#39;était en cours. Une façon de faire taire les rumeurs concernant d&#39;éventuels rapprochements avec d&#39;autres banques.


<a href="
http://www.lemonde.fr/web/article/0,[EMAIL PROTECTED],36-910203,0.html?xtor=RSS-3208
Varsovie se prépare à l'ouverture des archives communistes


La Pologne ne parle plus que d&#39;elles : les archives de la sécurité communiste et leur probable ouverture, dix-sept ans après la transition démocratique.


<a href="
http://www.lemonde.fr/web/article/0,[EMAIL PROTECTED],36-910472,0.html?xtor=RSS-3208
Un sondage de l'IFOP donne une large majorité à l'UMP aux législatives


L&#39;UMP obtiendrait la majorité aboslue au Parlement avec 336 à 390 sièges selon un sondage IFOP-&#34;Paris Match&#34; réalisé les 10 et 11 mai.


<a href="
http://www.lemonde.fr/web/article/0,[EMAIL PROTECTED],36-910196,0.html?xtor=RSS-3208
Le milieu humanitaire français se déchire à propos du Darfour


Le monde humanitaire français affiche sa division sur la manière de faire cesser les tueries dans cette région de l&#39;ouest soudanais. Le débat reflète les déchirements de la gauche en politique internationale.


<a href="
http://www.lemonde.fr/web/depeches/0,14-0,[EMAIL PROTECTED],0.html?xtor=RSS-3208
Dépêche: Washington n'autorisera pas à Moscou à s'opposer au bouclier


Retrouvez l'ensemble des dépêches sur http://www.lemonde.fr


<a href="
http://www.lemonde.fr/web/depeches/0,14-0,[EMAIL PROTECTED],0.html?xtor=RSS-3208
Dépêche: Tennis: Nathalie Dechy passe le premier tour à Rome


Retrouvez l'ensemble des dépêches sur http://www.lemonde.fr


<a href="
http://www.lemonde.fr/web/depeches/0,14-0,[EMAIL PROTECTED],0.html?xtor=RSS-3208
Dépêche: Accord européen sur la réduction des tarifs du "roaming"


Retrouvez l'ensemble des dépêches sur http://www.lemonde.fr


<a href="
http://www.lemonde.fr/web/depeches/0,14-0,[EMAIL PROTECTED],0.html?xtor=RSS-3208
Dépêche: Onze morts dans les combats entre Palestiniens à Gaza


Retrouvez l'ensemble des dépêches sur http://www.lemonde.fr


2007/05/15 15:37:24.071| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(581) parse HTTP headers
2007/05/15 15:37:24.071| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(788) have 5411 head bytes to parse; state: 1
2007/05/15 15:37:24.072| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(800) parse success, consume 477 bytes, return true
2007/05/15 15:37:24.072| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(832) not expecting a body
2007/05/15 15:37:24.072| ICAPModXact will no longer parse [FD 13;rp(1)S(2)/Rw icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:24.072| ICAPModXact will no longer send [FD 13;S(2)/Rwrp icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:24.072| ICAP/ICAPInitiate.cc(176) will call 0x853f3e4->ICAPInitiator::noteIcapAnswer(0x84c2038)
2007/05/15 15:37:24.072| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(449) returning from readMore because reader or doneReading()
2007/05/15 15:37:24.072| ICAP/ICAPXaction.cc(277) 
2007/05/15 15:37:24.072| ICAP/ICAPXaction.cc(168) pushing pconn [FD 13;/RwrpS icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:24.072| 
2007/05/15 15:37:24.073| ICAPModXact::noteCommRead ends job  [/RwrpS icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:24.073| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(957) swan sings [/RwrpS icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:24.073| ICAP/ICAPInitiate.cc(82) swan sings [/RwrpS icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:24.073| ICAP/ICAPInitiate.cc(89) swan sang [/RwrpS icapx1]
2007/05/15 15:37:24.073| 
2007/05/15 15:37:24.073| ICAP/AsyncJob.cc(106) ICAPModXact::noteCommRead ended 0x85434e8
2007/05/15 15:37:24.074| entering 0x853f3e4->ICAPInitiator::noteIcapAnswer(0x84c2038)
2007/05/15 15:37:24.074| ICAPModXactLauncher::noteIcapAnswer called
2007/05/15 15:37:24.074| ICAP/ICAPInitiate.cc(176) will call 0x8533f08->ICAPInitiator::noteIcapAnswer(0x84c2038)
2007/05/15 15:37:24.074| ICAPModXactLauncher::noteIcapAnswer ends job 
2007/05/15 15:37:24.074| ICAP/ICAPInitiate.cc(82) swan sings
2007/05/15 15:37:24.074| ICAP/ICAPInitiate.cc(89) swan sang
2007/05/15 15:37:24.074| ICAP/AsyncJob.cc(106) ICAPModXactLauncher::noteIcapAnswer ended 0x853f3c8
2007/05/15 15:37:24.074| exiting 0x853f3e4->ICAPInitiator::noteIcapAnswer(0x84c2038)
2007/05/15 15:37:24.084| entering 0x8533f08->ICAPInitiator::noteIcapAnswer(0x84c2038)
2007/05/15 15:37:24.085| exiting 0x8533f08->ICAPInitiator::noteIcapAnswer(0x84c2038)
2007/05/15 15:37:44| Preparing for shutdown after 1 requests
2007/05/15 15:37:44| Waiting 0 seconds for active connections to finish
2007/05/15 15:37:44| FD 11 Closing HTTP connection
2007/05/15 15:37:45| Shutting down...
2007/05/15 15:37:45| FD 12 Closing ICP connection
2007/05/15 15:37:45| Closing unlinkd pipe on FD 9
2007/05/15 15:37:45| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2007/05/15 15:37:45|   Finished.  Wrote 3 entries.
2007/05/15 15:37:45|   Took 0.001 seconds (2.9e+03 entries/sec).
CPU Usage: 1.075 seconds = 0.140 user + 0.935 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0
Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
	total space in arena:    3376 KB
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	Small blocks:               0 KB      1 blks
	Holding blocks:          3204 KB     15 blks
	Free Small blocks:          0 KB
	Free Ordinary blocks:     100 KB
	Total in use:            6479 KB 192%
	Total free:               100 KB 3%
2007/05/15 15:37:45| Squid Cache (Version 3.0.PRE6-20070515): Exiting normally.
2007/05/15 15:37:45.898| essential ICAP service is invalidated by reconfigure: icap:// [down,gone]

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