tis 2008-01-08 klockan 00:47 +0900 skrev Adrian Chadd:

> My next trick will be breaking up cf.data.pre along the documentation
> boundary lines and have seperate configuration file chunks for various
> tasks.

cf.data.pre should be split in one file per directive, using the
existing scripts.

the default suqid.conf should be just the config part, not the
documentation. Can be generated from cf.data.pre quite easily. Some
comments may need to be added for it to make sense but not much.

the documentation should be installed separately.

and yes, having include support is nice. But squid.conf rarely gets that
big that it makes a big difference.

It's not easy to provide a default split as many things are dependent,
and having it split by default may cause people to think that it must be
split along those lines.. personally I always order things quite
differently with most acls defined next to where they are used, with
only generic acls elsewhere.


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