On Sun, 2008-03-09 at 22:23 +0100, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

> Or we could consider squid.h the dirty one, moving out the little
> tweaks which is there to config.h or better places.

IMO, at the end of the cleanup, "squid.h" should be the file that all
sources are guaranteed to include first simply because it is called
squid.h. Config.h has, by name, a much narrower scope.

I realize that this is subjective and that very few people care about
things like that in Squid so if, for whatever reason, Amos wants to
remove squid.h from most files and leave config.h instead, I am not
going to object since I am not the person doing the cleanup leg work,
and since the functional effect will be the same.

The little tweaks that are not global in nature should be moved out to
specific headers and wrappers, of course. The
guaranteed-to-be-included-first.h file should eventually be almost
empty. Its primary value is the guarantee itself, which becomes a useful
tool for [usually temporary] hacks.

Thank you,


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