Alistair Reay wrote:
Hi Alex, I think that'd be a good idea. The main thing stopping my
company using Squid 3 is the lack of collapsed_forwarding. I'll find out
who in the dev community is working on this and lend a hand.

Right now. Nobody I know of. We are concentrating on the shuffling needed to get 3.1 out the door properly.

It's on the must-do list of stuff hoping to be in the next release though. So any help you can give that way would be a step forward.

IIRC there is an old port for 3.0 which Henrick started on the old CVS. I think it was either not quite complete enough or waiting some tested before merging and got left to long. It needs checking to see how relevant it is now and updating if it's still useful or re-writing if not.

 Hi Alistair :)
It's good to see other interest here in NZ.



-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Rousskov [] Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 7:01 a.m.
To: Alistair Reay
Subject: Re: Introducing myself

On 04/20/2009 10:10 PM, Alistair Reay wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'd like to introduce myself to the dev team and start helping out.

My name is Alistair Reay and I'm a system engineer at a large New
Zealand broadcaster that uses Squid and other open-source software
extensively. Using squid we've built the nations largest and cheapest
commercial CDN for our VOD offering so I've got a vested interest in
helping Squid kick more ass. Although I'm not a professional
I have a lot of interest in contributing code to this project and I've
created a production-ready load balancer project in SourceForge called
Octopus that works really
well behind Squid.
Anyway, the first thing I'd like to do is investigate how
refresh_stale_hit works and try to improve it. I searched to
mail list and found this thread of conversation which is what I'd like
to implement in Squid2.7. If you'll have me, I'll subscribe to this
mailing list and make a new topic about this feature request then
User's query/request (also what I'd like to be able to do)
Henrik's response

Hi Alistair,

  If you have some cycles to spare, please consider helping with porting
Squid2 features you use to Squid3. This will both help current Squid3
users and will ensure a smooth upgrade path for your production caches.
If you work on something new, please consider writing a Squid3 patch
(and a Squid2 patch if necessary).

Thank you,

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