Hi all,
  I've also planned hosting a shared windows dev system on eu, but we
need to secure the necessary OS and devkit licenses first.

On Monday, May 4, 2009, Guido Serassio <guido.seras...@acmeconsulting.it> wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> Il 02.13 04/05/2009 Alex Rousskov ha scritto:
> Hi Guido,
>     Thanks a lot for the update. It is sad to see the results of many
> years of work dissipating and I sympathize with your situation. I wonder
> whether the demand for Squid on Windows is just not there OR it is the
> current lack of Windows support that makes it difficult for Acme to
> quickly monetize the potential demand. I know very little about folks
> running Windows servers so it is difficult for me to judge what they are
> using and what they want to use.
> Squid on Windows suffers two big issues: the only available comm loop is 
> select() and the maximum FDs number is hard coded to 2048 in the MSVCRT 
> library.
> This limits the scalability and restrict its usage to low end implementation, 
> and go over this is really not so simple, because very big changes in the 
> comm code are needed.
> My feel is that Squid on Windows is mainly used on very low cost 
> implementation, and only a few of user could be interested on very limited 
> investment.
> I have compiled an experimental binary build of Squid 3.0 STABLE 13 asking on 
> squid-users to test it and give some feedback to the list. After two months, 
> the feedback number was NONE, really I cannot understand this ...
> Can you say what it would take for you and Acme to resurrect Windows
> support for Squid3? It might be easier for others to pitch in with time,
> money, and/or hardware if the requirements are known. We can post your
> estimates to both mailing lists and see what happens.
> Mainly is not a money/hardware problem, its a time/resource problem. I cannot 
> leave my current activity out but I could try to fix the build environment 
> and after manage the work of some other developer, but  the availability of 
> other human resource in the Windows project is essential.
> Regards
> Guido
> -
> ========================================================
> Guido Serassio
> Acme Consulting S.r.l. - Microsoft Certified Partner
> Via Lucia Savarino, 1           10098 - Rivoli (TO) - ITALY
> Tel. : +39.011.9530135  Fax. : +39.011.9781115
> Email: guido.seras...@acmeconsulting.it
> WWW: http://www.acmeconsulting.it/


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