Alex Rousskov wrote:
On 06/27/2009 06:28 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
Limit adaptation iterations to adaptation_service_iteration_limit to
Squid from infinite adaptation loops caused by ICAP services constantly
including themselves in the dynamic adaptation chain they request.
When the
limit is exceeded, the master transaction fails. The default limit of 16
should be large enough to not require an explicit configuration in most
environments yet may be small enough to limit side-effects of loops.

I see your comment at src/adaptation/ ~156
  TODO: should we shift and checkCandidates if and only if (!g) ?!

If the TODO is about the case of self-reference you mention above then I
would say yes we must. To drop such loops into error condition as
quickly as possible.  I understand the limit needs to be kept anyway for
multi-stage loops. But losing the loop early saves a lot of resources.

No, this is different. I have not modified AccessCheck much. Its overall
logic is as follows:

  1. AccessCheck::check: Identify service groups that may be applicable
to the virgin message. Start checking candidates by calling

  2. AccessCheck::checkCandidates: Get the top candidate and spawn a
non-blocking ACL check for it. This ends this call. The non-blocking
check will call us back in step #3.

  3. AccessCheck::noteAnswer: If there is no match, remove the top
candidate and go back to step #2. If there is a match, go to step #4.

  4. AccessCheck::do_callback: Check that the top candidate service is
still there and send it (or a NULL answer) to whoever requested the
adaptation. Remove the top candidate from the list. Stop the job.

You may have noticed that step #4 always terminates the search. Yet, we
may not have found a valid service (e.g., due to a reconfiguration) and
still have candidate services left to check. I added a TODO because it
smelled fishy to me when I looked at the code, but my focus was not on
changing how adaptation ACLs are processed so I left the code "as is".

Your question prompted me to investigate this further and I am convinced
there is a bug. If not everything is peachy in step #4, we must go back
to step #2 again. I have now fixed this in my sources and polished
surrounding code a little (there were other small problems). The TODO is
done. The patch is attached.

This bug is difficult to reproduce because the service must disappear
while an ACL check is pending and it will only have an effect for checks
pending before reconfigure; future checks will work OK again. It is
probably possible to time an appropriate reconfiguration just right, but
I have not tried to do that.

Also, should we prevent circular loops by way of preventing a filter
being run twice over the same request? There have to be few cases where
a single adaptation step needs to be repeated exactly.

It would be nice to warn about the same service appearing twice in a set
or chain (a patch for that is attached and I added it to my sources).

I would not try to forcefully prevent duplicates though because it is
not illegal and might be used in practice for "try me twice" poor-man
backup implementations or for services that do different things
depending on the message state but cannot do it all at once. I do agree
that these situations are unusual (but very handy for testing! :-).

Okay. Fair enough.

IMO we are finding more and more reasons to add an ERR_*_CONFIG page :)

In most cases, I would just quit (with an error message) if a
configuration error is discovered during startup. However, I was
overruled on that by the "start at any cost" crowd.

Errors that are discovered at runtime should probably generate a fairly
generic response with an error "code" or similar information for admins
to match to cache.log entries and documentation. Users do not benefit
from knowing that a Squid cache has a misconfigured ICAP service and
many admins would not want to disclose that fact to end users anyway.

They have a point. We don't _have_ to make every config error fatal. But we do need some way to make the admin aware of it such that they have incentive to fix fast. Erros in cache.log are doing a lot but not enough. Errors in their users faces saying they did wrong is a great incentive to get it right, and a useful debug tool during pre-rollout tests.

But this is outside your patch scope. I should be starting a different thread on this...

Fixed "canonical" Request URL maintenance when ICAP clones requests.
TODO: The urlCanonical() must become HttpRequest::canonical(), hiding
often out-of-sync canonical data member.
IMO: TODO: url cleanup bug needs closing to handle canonical and all
other URL display cases properly behind a single URL object. Requires
decent string code though or memory duplicates will blow out of
proportion to usefulness.

Yes, those are two separate issues: cache consistency (my TODO) and
cache storage implementation (TODO: add a URL or URI class). My TODO is
much easier to implement, but was outside of this project scope.

I took a look at the patch, and decided to take your word that it works :)

Yeah, it is difficult to find macro-level bugs in this code. It does
work in my tests. I do not think we can get much further without wider

Should I interpret your comment as "I am not going to vote on this one"?

Um, well. I wrote that before deciding to read the code again for a 'quick' audit.

Please reference and close
in the commit if/when this goes in.

I will try to remember that.

Some stuff I found in the code:

in src/ please add brackets to make the code more readable:
 "loggingNeedsHistory = LogfileStatus == LOG_ENABLE &&


  const bool loggingNeedsHistory = (LogfileStatus == LOG_ENABLE) &&

in src/adaptation/ you create a ServiceFilter via:
"new AccessCheck( ServiceFilter(method, vp, req, rep), cb, cbdata);"
which takes a copy by & reference. The ServiceFilter locks the given
request and reply but I can't see where the ServiceFilter is deleted (&
references cannot be and the object is not RefCounted.)
 - I expect this to lead to memory leaks. Possibly big ones.

ServiceFilter instances in this context are not allocated on the heap.
Thus, we do not (and cannot) delete them. The compiler generates code to
destruct the temporary variable and the class data member. Did I
misunderstood your concern?

Ah right. I had forgotten that C++ trick you seem to like using.
This works then despite the stack changes during AccessCheck callbacks?

Remember we still have not gotten to the bottom of that 10MB/minute memory leak near the last one of these I noticed. Personally I'd rather go the long way with new/delete and RefCount to be sure of the copies than use this trick.

in adaptation/icap/ when testing for HDR_X_NEXT_SERVICES  I
think it would be worth warning if a non-routable service attempted to
hand back a routing header.  How to do it efficiently may be a problem

I do not think there would be a critical performance impact if we check
using the current code. The difference between a hash and a simple array
with linear search ought to be small when you are dealing with less than
10 integers.

Another problem, IMO, is how not to warn on every response (which is far
more expensive operation than searching). I wanted to port a
warn-once-in-a-while facility from Polygraph to Squid for a long time...

Added TODO.

Good point.

This TODO needs to be enacted rather soon. We are aiming for performance
in 3.2...
  // TODO: use HttpMsg::clone()!

Agreed. A usable clone() method has been available at least since the
eCAP addition. This is not a new TODO or a new problem. This is a nice,
small-context project for volunteers :-).


On the side;  this has brought to my attention the adaptation/forward.h.
Can we not call that adaptation/Adaptation.h instead? the forward.h
breaks CamelCase and will clash with src/forward.h on those recently
vocal compilers.

"Forward" is kind of standard (e.g., <iosfwd>) and more intuitive, IMO:
We are providing forward declarations to avoid too many unimportant
dependencies via header files. I would rather move or rename
src/forward.h :-)

Fair point. It's not currently causing issue for most places. So its out of scope here if we go that way.

notes.dox ***
  \section label takes two parameters: an ID then the text title.


  mixing \b and the <b></b> equivalents on alternate lines looks a bit
mucky. Can we at least do it consistently within one document?

I have no idea where I copied that ugly mix from :-). Replaced all with

Thats it from me. Just ... no more huge project for a few decades, yes? ;)

You call this huge?! I spent more time on StringNg. ;-)

Please look at the enhanced logging patch as well. This work depends on
that patch. If the changes are approved, the enhanced logging stuff must
go into the trunk first.

I'm up to that now. This updated patch is a vote yes from me.

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE16
  Current Beta Squid

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