Changes over the v1 patch:

   - src/AccessLogEntry.h:
        struct IpAddress -> IpAddress
   - access log code:
      *  "adaptation::" to "adapt::"
      *  icap::total_time -> icap::tt
      *  icap::>size  ->   icap::>st
      *  icap::<size  ->   icap::<st
      *  int the case of use of LFT_HTTP_SENT_STATUS_CODE_OLD_30 convert
         internaly to LFT_HTTP_SENT_STATUS_CODE
   -  Remove the http:: prefix from documentation for the format codes:
      >a >A >p <A la lp ts tu tl tg tr dt
   - adaptation/icap/, adaptation/icap/
      remove the #include "acl/Checklist.h"


Attachment: 3p1-plus-mod-v2.patch.gz
Description: Unix tar archive

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