Yep. Just think it's worth pointing out in the draft, since you go to such efforts to make this possible.


On 17/07/2009, at 10:28 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Fri, 17 Jul 2009, Mark Nottingham wrote:

Realise that server-side infrastructure often includes things like CDNs
(even when the content is uncacheable), reverse proxies and L7 load
balancers -- all of which can make the changes we're talking about.

While it's true that these things are under control of the people who
own the server, changing them is *much* harder than deploying an Apache

People with that level of complexity can easily just not share the port.

Ian Hickson U+1047E ) \._.,--....,'``. fL U+263A /, _.. \ _ \ ;`._ ,. Things that are impossible just take longer. `._.-(,_..'-- (,_..'`-.;.'

Mark Nottingham

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