On Mon, 19 Oct 2009, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> Ian Hickson wrote:
> > On Wed, 14 Oct 2009, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> > > 4.1.13 still has a fragility issue in that it assumes the Upgrade: 
> > > and Connection: headers will retain both their specific sending 
> > > order and be the very first headers in the reply. It will work in 
> > > most situations, but proxies which 'correct' the headers order to 
> > > have Date: first will kill WebSockets.
> > 
> > That's intentional; such proxies don't know about Web Sockets (if they 
> > did, they wouldn't be modifying the headers!) and thus clearly can't 
> > really be trusted to route the traffic unmodified.
> At this point of the handshake the client is the only software which 
> knows it's using WebSockets.
> The server may validate-parse the headers mime syntax before sub-parsing 
> the request line. At this point all its seen is the GET and HTTP/1.1.
> So... the server and any middleware will be in a state right now 
> thinking that HTTP/1.1 is in use and will do appropriate HTTP/1.1 header 
> alterations.
> It is not until the server reply accepting the Upgrade: request is 
> received by middleware that WebSockets protocol actions can start 
> happening.

Agreed. I don't see how that affects my point though.

> > > 4.1 14 thru 4.1.23 appear to be a very conflated description of 
> > > parsing the headers.
> > > 
> > > It seems to me that referencing rfc2616 section 4.2 should be 
> > > sufficient for the parse
> > 
> > Unfortunately, HTTP doesn't define how to parse headers. It defines 
> > the semantics of valid headers, but doesn't say, e.g., what headers 
> > are present in the following:
> > 
> >    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> >    : Bar
> >    Foo
> >    ::::Quux::::
> Section 4.2 is clear:
>  "Each header field consists of a name followed by a colon (":") and the field
> value. Field names are case-insensitive."

So what are the headers in the (invalid) HTTP response above?

> NP: WebSockets as of draft-49 requires (1.2) "The first three lines in 
> each case are hard-coded (the exact case and order matters)" which is a 
> breach of the final statement above. That final statement permits 
> middeleware to uppercase or CamelCase the headers on a whim without 
> altering their meaning.

The entire point of the handshake is to detect such middleware and fail 
the connection when it is detected.

> References RFC822 section 3.1 for the BNF. Which states:
>  " B.1.  SYNTAX
>      message         =   *field *(CRLF *text)
>      field           =    field-name ":" [field-body] CRLF
>      field-name      =  1*<any CHAR, excluding CTLs, SPACE, and ":">
>      field-body      =   *text [CRLF LWSP-char field-body]
> "
> ...
> "
>   C.1.1.  FIELD NAMES
>         These now must be a sequence of  printable  characters.   They
>         may not contain any LWSP-chars.
> "
> ... which requires a minimum of one ASCII byte header names which may not
> include ':' or whitespace or non-printables.
> NP: WebSockets draft-49 changes the bytes to UNICODE format and permits
> non-printables which are not LF or CR.


> In your above demo request is HTTP/1.1 invalid:
>  * first header line has no token in the field-name portion,
>  * second line has CRLF in the name portion,
>  * third line has zero-byte name portion.

I am aware that it is invalid. My point is that HTTP doesn't define how it 
is to be parsed (it leaves it undefined), which is IMHO unacceptable for a 
protocol specification, and that is why WebSocket doesn't defer to HTTP.

> Since you have spec'd that only valid HTTP/1.1 is acceptable this will 
> be dropped by any WebSockets aware software even if its accepted by 
> WebSockets.

Sure, but the following:

        HTTP/1.1 101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake
        Upgrade: WebSocket
        Connection: Upgrade
        WebSocket-Origin: http://example.com
        WebSocket-Location: ws://example.com/demo
        WebSocket-Protocol: sample

...has defined processing on the client-side when it is sent back as a 
WebSocket handshake, while if I deferred to HTTP, it's handling would be 
undefined (and indeed a range of behaviours from allowing the connection 
to failing the connection altogether would be allowed, which is far too 
vague to lead to good interoperability!).

> For completeness the rest of rfc822sect3.1 used by rfc2616 specs:
> "
>      B.2.  SEMANTICS
>           Headers occur before the message body and are terminated  by
>      a null line (i.e., two contiguous CRLFs).
>           A line which continues a header field begins with a SPACE or
>      HTAB  character,  while  a  line  beginning a field starts with a
>      printable character which is not a colon.
>           A field-name consists of one or  more  printable  characters
>      (excluding  colon,  space, and control-characters).  A field-name
>      MUST be contained on one line.  Upper and lower case are not dis-
>      tinguished when comparing field-names.
> "
> .. the third clause there prohibits headers like your example Foo:
>    Foo<CRLF>
>    : header text<CRLF>
> Supporting the second clause (LWS) will not affect the client sent data. But
> will help WebSockets cope with headers using very long Cookie data and long
> auth credentials.

Could you elaborate on this? Why would it help? Could you describe a 
situation in which Web Sockets would have a problem with long cookies or 
authentication credentials as specified now?

> > For Web Sockets I would like to have well-defined processing in the 
> > face of any input, even invalid input. I'd also like to not require 
> > that the processing for headers be as complicated as HTTP's (with 
> > continuation lines, multiple headers being merged, etc).
> Understood. I'm hoping the above spec 2616 + 822 segments are 
> sufficiently clear for you on what is and is not permitted on the 
> headers.

I am familiar with the rules on what is permitted and what is not; this 
does not affect my point, however.

> Things which are not valid HTTP/1.1 as above are of course badly broken 
> WebSockets as well. You can spec as a broad cover that non-valid 
> HTTP/1.1 is a fail connection.

That does not tend to lead to interoperability, as user agent implements 
tend to ignore broad request to fail on errors, as opposed to very 
specific rules (as in WebSocket) saying which errors are to cause failure.

> > > and do away with 4.1.15 through 4.1.21. Similar to the way 4.1.23 
> > > mentions www-auth "Obtain [header array] in a manner consistent with 
> > > the requirements for handling the headers in HTTP"
> > 
> > That's a big cop-out on my part... and I expect it to be the source of 
> > many bugs. Unfortunately I don't really see how to make this more 
> > explicit without duplicating content from other specs.
> You don't have to re-design the whole wheel.
> I do wish the commonly shared header syntax was an RFC of its own that 
> could be referenced. But we can work with whats there already. 
> Particularly since you are using HTTP/1.1 syntax, it's best to say so 
> rather than spec'ing in detail something which is incomplete.

Working with what's there already while keeping the bulk of the protocol 
very well defined is, as far as I can tell, what the spec does now.

> > > Mandating drop of connections not conforming to correct format of 
> > > headers is implied and some bits are explicitly stated.
> > 
> > What is implied? Any implication is a bug; the intent is for all 
> > behaviour to be explicitly normatively required.
> draft-48/49 section 5.2 specifies that the field-name is followed by ': 
> ' (COLON SPACE) but does not go as far as HTTP in denying the use of 
> COLON, whitespace, CR, and LF in the field name itself.
> (I see this is now fixed by the draft-49 changes in section 1.2 doing 
> the prohibition)
> 5,2 still says merely "Any fields that lack the colon-space separator 
> should be discarded and may cause the server to disconnect."
> Making the "should" and "may" in that final sentence of section 5.2 into 
> MUST drop will make it clearly consistent with the rest of WebSockets 
> always-drop policy when validation fails.

The server-side conformance requirements are intentionally much vaguer 
than the client-side conformance requirements because the clients have to 
interoperate with a much broader range of servers, while the servers have 
to interoperate with a very small number of clients. The servers are 
likely to be implemented by just testing against the clients, while the 
clients are more likely to be implemented by testing against test servers 
that check the spec's requirements. The practical reality is that it 
doesn't really matter if the server does or doesn't drop the connection 
based on an error from the client.

> I don't see any cases where you would want to accept HTTP/1.1 invalid 
> headers.

When it's simpler to not check to see if they are invalid.

> > > That can be cleaned up and locked in by the above and adding a clear 
> > > BNF like: (alpha|hyphen) colon space (ascii)* CRLF
> > 
> > Ok, I added a non-normative ABNF in the protocol description in the 
> > introduction.
> > 
> > > The above would also cover handling of LWS cases. Which are 
> > > currently breaking WebSockets. (less important)
> > 
> > Not sure what you mean here.
> Multi-line HTTP headers in the "to be ignored" part of the reply/request...
>  Cookie: foo; data=something-very-long;<CRLF>
>  <SPACE>domain=example.com<CRLF>
> ... currently the second line will cause a WebSockets abort despite your 
> spec permitting Cookies.

Indeed. There's no reason to support this as far as I ca ntell -- the 
client will never send multiline headers, and the server, by the time it 
is sending headers, knows it is a WebSocket server so it doesn't need to 

> > > > It would be nice if clients were explicitly allowed to send other 
> > > > headers, e.g., Referer or User-Agent, but it's not critical. Also, 
> > > > by its nature this protocol is going to be fragile on 
> > > > non-CONNECTed HTTP connections, but Ian has already acknowledged 
> > > > this.
> > >
> > > That is implied by the mention of also adding www-authenticate and 
> > > not prohibiting other headers sent following the WebSockets ones. 
> > > The servers will now cope and discard according to 4.1 of the 
> > > current draft.
> > 
> > The draft defines exactly what user agents must send. Extensions (like 
> > proprietary headers) are non-conforming. Of course, other 
> > specifications can extend the handshake to add other headers like 
> > Referer, if that's desired. In the case of Referer, of course, it's 
> > somewhat rendundant, since the Origin is included in the request; if 
> > the author really wants to send the exact referer, he can send it in 
> > his data stream.
> _send_ is fine as long as the middleware and servers see it as valid 
> HTTP. This you have accomplished.
> The only remaining problems are in how to validate what is _received_ 
> after having traversed a number of middleware boxes doing valid HTTP 
> alterations to the headers.

The protocol is designed to fail when WebSocket-unaware middleware boxes 
alter the headers.

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

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